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    Once you have done your due diligence, follow through with commitment and refuse to compromise.  As the saying goes, “Stick to One’s Guns”!    We often make resolutions at the beginning of a New Year but few of us actually carry through.  We make a decision, but something comes along, and it just seems too difficult to continue, or we get sidetracked.   Refuse to Compromise There are many excuses from “It’s too hard”, “I will surly fail”, “It’s not how I hoped it would be”, “it doesn’t really matter”, “I don’t have a problem”, and the list goes on and on.  More often than not, there are roadblocks to success, but most of these roadblocks stem from our mind. Our mind manufactures the excuse, and we follow blindly.   The resolution (or call it whatever you like) must be attainable, and you have to weigh this out in the planning process. You push yourself in the beginning but when the going gets tough, you give up. Is this laziness?   In reality, you hold yourself back by accepting the mind’s excuses (better known as empty chatter). Make a real commitment to your goals and take one step at a time.  It is not a race, it is a journey.   If your mind gives you an excuse to quit, ask it why? If it gives one of its ridiculous excuses, counter that excuse with a positive reason to continue. You are NOT your mind!   The old say goes, “nothing worth having comes easy”.  For every thought that stands in the way, there is a positive thought that helps you to achieve what you set out to do.    Do not give up. Believe in yourself! Remind yourself to do your best. If you stumble, get right back up and step forward again. Why would you want to stay down?   After the first success, reaching the next goal will come a little easier because you will now have more confidence.  Refuse to compromise.  Stick to your guns. You’ve got this!   #astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #TodaysLesson #lifelesson #resolution #transformation #success #refusetocompromise #growth #plans #forgeahead #newblogpost   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or     Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at      Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit   for course details.   Follow us on Facebook , Instagram  and X


    We posted our article on Sun in Pisces on February 12, 2025.  Here is a link for your convenience.   Aspects for Sun in Pisces 2025 Today, we are reviewing the more significant aspects that will be affecting Sun in Pisces over the next solar return.   Saturn will be transiting through Pisces making a Conjunction for those with their Sun in the mid to late degrees of Pisces.  Saturn moves into Aries at the end of May, 2025 returning for its final pass-through Pisces in early September and finally stay in Aries from mid-February of 2026 forward.  Neptune will also be moving into Aries towards the end of March, although it does return to Pisces for a short stay from October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026.  Saturn and Neptune will make a tight conjunction in Aries from February 15 to February 21, 2026.   The Conjunction of the Sun with Saturn suggests that although you may have certain goals in mind, the way forward will likely be linked with some sort of adversity or lesson.  Perhaps the goals seem to have obstacles in the way and reaching them requires much work and discipline.  It might be like having to jump through hoops and nothing seems to go as smooth as you wish.  These goals will require a lot of attentiveness and if you are thorough and don’t try to fast-track or jump required steps, the potential to reaching your goals is heightened although the outcome may not be exactly the way you had planned but good none-the-less.  You may feel that the work required is too strenuous or too challenging.  If you follow through, however, the results are reliable and often working towards your objectives can bring solid results that may have a lasting influence or result.   Neptune in Pisces will conjunct the Sun in the end degrees of Pisces as well.  This suggests, without using the influence of Saturn, that your goals and the road ahead may be tied closely with the energies of Pisces.  Make sure that you are seeing things clearly and be objective, especially when Saturn is also involved in the process.  Spirituality can be heightened and once you see things clearly, Saturn will help to determine what is useful and reliable and also what is real and what is imagined.  This is a revolving door that can lead into clear perception and spiritual enlightenment depending on what the rest of the chart is implying at the same time.   When these two planets (Saturn and Neptune) move into Aries, they will make a semi-sextile to those with their Sun in the early degrees of Pisces.  This aspect is considered a minor aspect and is only given an orb of influence of one to two degrees.  The energies of a semi-sextile have been known to be a little irritating or slightly positive.  It can bring confusion as there is difficulty involved due to both planets (the Sun and transiting Saturn as well as Transiting Neptune) are in completely different elements and modalities.  They often do not work well together although it has also been linked to being in the right place at the right time regardless of whether this is considered favorable or not so favorable.  In most cases, the Semi-Sextile is of little importance as it is not considered an energetic or important aspect. Again, sometimes, however, what seems like nothing of importance becomes much more significant later.   The Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries will likely have quite an impact.  Neptune’s link with the otherworldly, sight unseen, mystical side of life will be working with Saturn, the planet of reality, sight seen, worldly and very concrete.  Together they will open the door to seeing things as they are through our spiritual connectedness, and being in Aries, you may be pushed to act in a more aggressive manner in using what you have learned while both Saturn and Neptune were in Pisces. Hopefully, this will be brought forward into our personal lives ultimately affecting those around us in positive terms as well.   The aspects for Sun in Pisces 2025 might be challenging but what is learned will stand the test of time and you can move forward with clear perception.   #astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Pisces #SunInPisces #SuninPiscesForecast #Forecast #PiscesForecast #clarity #mystical #buildingfoundation #lifelessons #newblogpost   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or   Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at   Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit   for course details.   Follow us on Facebook , Instagram and X


    We have had clients relay to us that they consider themselves out of alignment.  Some suggest that they are way off while others feel that they are getting closer to their alignment.    How do we become aligned?    Alignment The alignment that we speak of is being aligned to our inner self, our higher self, and our inner guide.    When we are in alignment this essence is recognized as not only hope, but also as peace, contentment and love.  You have already found it because it has never been lost. As you align it surfaces. It is within you, always has been, always will be. It is a part of everyone.   We do grow as individuals as we mature into ourselves and in the process, we change and develop.  We walk down many different roads taking us towards our objectives, even when we are not sure what exactly these objectives may be.   Being aligned with our inner core allows us to listen, be open to and to following the advice we are presented with from within.  We always have options, and we are never forced to move in any particular direction even when it appears we are without choices.  We always make the final decision on any action we take.   The more open we allow ourselves to be, the easier it is to hear the voice of reason, the voice of calm and the voice of collaboration.  When we begin realizing that this inner guide is actually assisting, the clearer the messages become.  Our inner alignment or higher self is also tied to our collective source which resonates at an even higher level.  We are fragments of this higher vibrational energy, and this source energy is complete and is indivisible.   How do we understand from a human perspective where this energy comes from?   How do we understand the message that it is inferring?    It is my opinion that we are incapable of understanding with our earthly minds. This higher source energy enfolds all of us and is in constant communication with us.    When we are in alignment, this essence is recognized as not only hope, but also as peace, contentment and love.    How do we go about finding this?    You have already found it because it has never been lost. As you align, it surfaces. It is within you, always has been, always will be. It is a part of everyone.   #astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #LifeLesson #lifeexperience #alignment #higherself #highersource #higherlearning #alignwithin #newblogpost   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or     Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at      Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit   for course details.   Follow us on Facebook , Instagram  and X

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  • Mercury

    Mercury Mercury in the natal chart by sign and house position can vary a great deal. We will primarily discuss the planet Mercury in this section. The planet Mercury is associated with the mind's focus and our attention. Its primary function is the act of communication, both on the receiving end and on the giving end. Mercury also has a lot to do with what could be termed as our everyday living, and our connections with the outside on an immediate level. Mercury’s house position in the natal chart and its sign position indicate something about the way we think. It also has a lot to do with the learning process and how we become aware and absorb the information that the mind is incorporating into our point of focus. Mercury can be interconnected with our schooling. For example, if Mercury is poorly aspected in the natal chart, we may have some difficulty completing our schooling. We could have problems with concentration, or the written word would not come as easily to us as it would to someone who has a well aspected Mercury. Knowing this can be helpful and assist us when our children are having difficulty understanding or focusing on their schooling. Mercury has very little to do with feelings as it relates primarily on the non-verbal level. In some cases if mercury is in a very receptive sign (usually water signs) one can pick up information on other levels, such as telecommunication or through psychic channels. The planet is an important factor in consciousness raising, as Mercury can be associated with making some areas of life apparently unconscious more conscious. Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by the planet Mercury and if you know any people with their Sun , Moon or rising signs (Ascendant) in either Gemini or Virgo , you may find that the mind is a strong active force in their lives. Astrology 101 Information on Aspects to Mercury Mercury is the Planet of communication. It rules Gemini and Virgo and is associated with the third house and the sixth house . The Sun The Moon Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

  • Sun in Sagittarius |

    Sagittarius Sagittarius is the adventurer, the seeker and the eternal optimist. Those with strong Sagittarius tendencies are the philosophers of our world. They have an innate knowledge of religious doctrines or at the very least an inclination and adaptation towards this area of life and the ability to share this knowledge with the world around them. When life gets tough, you will surely find the typical Sagittarian forever pursuing and spreading an outlook that promises a brighter future. Sagittarius is the eternal optimist and has good intentions. They will assist those in need and will promote a positive approach to all of life and every corner that life reaches. They are forever on the road of “better things just lie ahead”; and although they are often quite content with their life’s direction, they never stop reaching for the top of the mountain. They are the philosophers of life and are ready to present a different approach to life with an ingrained knowledge that supersedes their education. Many are on the pursuit of knowledge and will gain much in their advanced schooling. Even those without formal education will seek to gain knowledge through life’s experiences. There are many politicians and clergymen who have strong Sagittarius inclinations in their charts, as well as judges, writers and adventurous people who love to travel to foreign lands and learn primitive cultures in order to attain some of the previous knowledge and make that part of their repertoire. Many Sagittarius individuals are great lovers of the outdoors, nature walks, camping and exploring. Sagittarius is the roamer. Sagittarius individuals are one with nature. They uncover nature’s secrets and exploring all of its facets. Let them roam and you open their door to happiness and excitement. House them indoors and restrict their freedom and you have a stranglehold on the adventurous spirit that needs to be set free. Most Sagittarius people are well spoken and will provide you with their point of view on many subjects. They have an inability to keep their mouths shut when wanting to express themselves. Foot-in-mouth disease found its place within the Sagittarius expression. They seldom have bad intentions but do speak their minds. They could contemplate a little bit more before they open up. This would result in less challenges by others who have their own opinions. Sagittarians are a kind and caring people, always ready to lend a helping hand both physically and emotionally. They have the good of everyone in mind. These individuals challenge us to look outside the box and to find optimism and grandeur when there is little hope of finding it. Make a Sagittarius your friend and be ready for communication and a life of adventure. There will seldom be dull moments although they can be subject to deep introspection and times of quiet. Enjoy your Sagittarius friend as they will always be at your side, ever encouraging you onward and forward in your life's quest. Astrology 101 Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and the ninth house Topaz is associated with Sagittarius. Alternative stones associated with Sagittarius include Amethyst, Atacamite, Azurite, Black Obsidian, Blue Topaz, Charoite, Dioptase, Herkimer Diamonds, Iolite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Pink Tourmaline, Ruby, Snowflake Obsidian, Sodalite, Tanzanite, Turquoise, Vesuvianite aka Idocrase, and White Topaz. Return to Sun Sign Page

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