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    Spring's Illumination Today, Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 5:01 am EDT, we experienced the Spring vernal equinox (Ostra), the balance of light and dark. With spring comes the promise of a new start, rebirth, and renewal. Our world and our lives shed their heavy wintery blanket, and light begins to shine forth. There is a promise of longer, brighter, warmer days. Sprouts will eventually begin to push their way through the soil, trees’ buds will burst, the grass will green, and snowflakes and ice pellets transform to warm raindrops.  There is so much promise. Even without the telltale signs of nature, we know in our heart renewal is coming. Beyond the feelings we experience, in a more intangible way, we see the changes in the shadows, we feel them in the air, we hear them from nature and smell it in the wind; of course, if we take the time to place our focus on these things. Along with this new life springing forth, we experience the ability to have fresh starts in our own lives. This is a time of renewed vigor; it is an awakening so to speak. This can draw us nearer to the warmth and sunshine in our hearts and souls, not just in the world around us. We can mirror and utilize the energy brought on through the change of the seasons to stimulate and push us into our personal pursuits, new or old. A new beginning is at hand with the promise of personal growth, all depending on the seeds we now plant and continue to nurture in the future. This is the time to renew our motivation, to push ahead and find outlets that can help us renew our commitment to ourselves for further growth, expansion, and evolution. Springs seems to afford us the energy to move ahead more willingly in our endeavors, particularly those focuses we allowed to go dormant during the winter when we were more focused on going within to our dark corners.  Now that we have a better understanding of those dark corners, they can now be illuminated by the sun and our own personal light. This renewed vigor can propel us into new-found areas that may not have been available throughout the dark winter. It is truly up to us what we plan to do with this energy and whether we utilize it or whether we just allow it to dissipate. Mirror the seasons. Take advantage of the energies at hand. Move ahead into the new. Reach beyond any limits. The only thing that is holding us back is us. We are our own motivation or our own stagnation. Growth and advancement are at hand. What can be accomplished with these energies? Nature has provided us with hope and renewal through Springs illumination. Nature is offering us an example of how we can start something fresh, and have something new to focus on. Nurture the seeds now being planted and see what bounty they will bring forth in the future! #astrology #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #equinox #Spring #ostra #Nature #FreshStart #Seasons #illumination #SpringsIllumination #NewBeginnings Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamentals of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit   for course details.   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or     Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at      Follow us on Facebook , Instagram  and X


    The Sun is moving from the Mutable, Water sign of Pisces into the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries on March 20, 2025.    Sun in Aries Aries is known for wanting to do their own thing.  They truly believe in their decision making, even if they need to redo portions or parts of what they have started.   Arians love new adventures and want to experience everything that life has to offer and can be relentless in their pursuit of these experiences.  They have a positive methodology and believe in themselves.  Their approach to life is very positive and they have a lot of confidence in their objectives.  They rely primarily on themselves and will admit when they make mistakes. These individuals get right back up when they fall.   They are truthful, perhaps almost to a fault, as they speak their minds and saying things as they are.  They are not overly swayed by other’s opinions but will listen to guidance and then forming their own views on whatever information they have gathered.    Aries individuals are enthusiastic about nearly everything and are considered quite fearless in their approach.  Their energy is almost unlimited, and they will tackle anything with great enthusiasm and vigor.  They truly feel that they know what is best, especially when dealing with things that involve them personally.   All signs of the Zodiac have their own shortcomings. If we were to examine some of these for Aries, it might be said that they can be somewhat reckless at times and because of this, they must redo things.  They can be a bit too impatient with others. This may be due to their competitiveness and they don’t like being held back or to have to move too slow.  They can be short-tempered mainly because they are a fire sign, as can the other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius.   In general, most Aries individuals believe their own interests come first, largely because they like to help others but realize that in order to do this they must first get their own affairs in order.    Sun in Aries individuals are caring, honest, truth speaking people who are great entrepreneurs and business people. They have insight and the ability to move ahead while others could remain stagnant.  They usually do not worry about making mistakes knowing that sometimes mistakes happen and these are just life lessons that offer new insights.   Happy solar return to our Arian readers.   Stay tuned to our 20025 forecast for Aries on Monday.   #astrology #HolmAstrology #astrologyposts #astrologer #astrologersofinstagram #astroworld #horoscope #zodiacsigns #psychic #OracleReadings #transits #aspects #Aries #SuninAries #entrepreneurs #honest #headfirst #adventure #experiencefirsthand #relentless #enthusiastic #competitive #newblogpost   Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit   for course details.   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or   Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at   Follow us on Facebook , Instagram and X


    Get To The Point Many of us choose a roundabout manner or we are vague when we are sharing challenging news, sharing a difference of opinion or following up on a difficult decision.  It is not always an easy task letting someone know something that you know will create emotional stress or something they do not want to hear.  We try to break it to them gently but have a difficult time saying it as it is, only because we are concerned about the outcome.   In the meantime, many awaiting difficult news truly want you to be honest and say it as it is. Some do not want to engage in challenging conversations or difficult situations but the time has come for this to come to the surface, and you do not have the right to hold back.  It’s uncomfortable but necessary.   Holding back or not being direct serves no purpose other than dragging out what needs to surface anyway.  If you are the bearer of bad news, don’t hold back. Share what needs to be said but you can say it with compassion and come from a caring place.   Get to the point by compassionately being clear and concise and do not leave anything that needs to be said to the imagination.   #astrology #astrologer #HolmAstrology #spirituality #themoment #spiritualjourney #schooloflife #gettothepoint #clearmessage #concise #newblogpost   Are you interested in learning Astrology? We are now accepting registrations for our Spring beginner’s course. Join us to learn the fundamental of astrology in a small, interactive, in class learning environment. Visit   for course details.   If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via s  or     Visit  for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.   Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at      Follow us on Facebook , Instagram  and X

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    Calendar Calendar Please click on the events for details This Website collects Statistics. By remaining on this website, you agree to our collection of these statistics. Please see LEGAL for details.

  • Jupiter Aspects |

    Jupiter's aspects are almost always considered a positiveas they creates expansion and growth on many levels. Aspects to Jupiter We are working on this page and will be adding more Jupiter aspects in the future. Jupiter is nearly always considered a positive aspect in that it engages itself through expansion and growth on many levels. It often indicates opportunities when in transit, and life flowing in a more pleasant manner. Jupiter Conjunctions Jupiter Squares Jupiter Square Natal Mars Uranus Square Jupiter Jupiter Square natal Midheaven Jupiter Square Natal Saturn Jupiter Trines Jupiter Trine Mercury Pluto Trine Jupiter Jupiter Oppositions Jupiter Opposition Mercury Uranus Opposition Natal Jupiter Jupiter Opposition Mars Jupiter Sextiles Jupiter Sextile Mercury Jupiter Sextile Natal Mars Jupiter Sextile Ascendant Jupiter Sextile Natal Midheaven Saturn Sextile Natal Jupiter Neptune Sextile Natal Jupiter BACK TO ASPECTS

  • Neptune Aspects |

    Jupiter's aspects are almost always considered a positiveas they creates expansion and growth on many levels. Aspects to Neptune We are working on this page and will be adding more Neptune aspects in the future. Neptune is a mysterious planet, ruling the sign Pisces. NEPTUNE TRANSITS THROUGH THE ZODIAC Neptune is the planet of illumination, inspiration, intuition and psychic access. It has also been tied to ambiguity, confusion, dismay, vulnerability and not seeing things as they truly are. Neptune is the planet of psychic awareness even under the most distressful aspects and can be illuminated but twisted when in challenging situations. Neptune is spiritual, can be religious, and will enhance your perception and any psychic inclinations you may have. As it makes contacts with planetary energies within the framework of your natal chart, it will illuminate the energies of the planet and merge its emeries with the planet in question, especially when a conjunction is taking hold. In some cases, Neptune will help solve issues that have been plaguing the individual especially when aligned in positive aspect to Mercury or Jupiter. In contrast, if Neptune is making a hard aspect like a square or opposition to Mercury, you will want to make sure that you are not blowing things out of proportion, and you should ensure that you are seeing things as they truly are. Help from outside sources is often suggested especially if your Natal Mercury is under stressful aspects to other planets particularly to Neptune in the birth chart. Transiting Neptune to the Sun or your North Node can bring forward goals and your life’s path can be highly attuned to deeper insight, and assistance may surface from outside sources that you may not have deemed likely in your life. You may have visions or dreams that can open doors that have been closed or not even apparent for many years. Neptune can instigate psychic energies that are straight from the light and into your consciousness for the first time in your life or open channels greater than those available before this time. As we write this, Neptune will move into Aries next year (2025). Perhaps this might be a time when we move ahead with our own objectives in a more intuitive and spiritual quest and change the course of our own personal lives slowly as its energies unfold. Neptune also has to do with talent as it rules Pisces and the twelfth house. Music, acting, art, etc. can become highlighted as Neptune opens pathways that have been closed prior to now. Neptune can be magical in its delivery when well aspected to natal positions. It may bring energies you never believed could take hold in life. Neptune in Aries sounds personal and that is just what it is. In the past 14-15 years, Neptune was in Pisces and what we were taught during this stay in Pisces can be used in personal terms. This can be a time of awakening to your higher self, stimulating your intuitive faculties and bringing to life what you never deemed possible. Use Neptune’s energies to the best of your abilities and uncover the mysteries of life. Neptune Conjunctions Neptune Squares Neptune Square Ascendant Neptune Square Saturn Neptune Square Neptune Neptune Square Midheaven Neptune Square IC (Imum Coeli) Neptune Trines Neptune Trine Midheaven Neptune Oppositions Neptune Sextiles Neptune Sextile Imum Coeli Neptune Sextile Sun Neptune Sextile Moon Neptune Sextile Natal Jupiter BACK TO ASPECTS

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