Do you adjust your face to the world to suit what you think is expected of you by others in any given situation?
If so are you comfortable with a chameleon type lifestyle?
If not, are you comfortable showing your own true colours?
The human race has flourished due to its ability to adapt. We all adapt to our life’s conditions to survive. To feel that it is necessary to adapt our persona to different situations in life, however, this is unrelated to our physical survival. This only serves to please others.
Through experience and self-preservations many of us have learned that the only way we can feel perfect in our own skin is to wear it with confidence and pride. After all, the best person we can be is the exact person we truly are.
If we are uncomfortable with a characteristic, we don’t have to own it. See it for what it is and then let it go. It does not define us. The energy of love within is the true energy of self. All the rest are only learned characteristics.
Let your true colours shine through (just as Cyndi Lauper once sang). Be yourself. You surely will be happy and comfortable with the outcome.
Your life becomes a reflection of your thoughts and focus. Encourage growth; focus on the positive, be grateful and be genuine!
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