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We recently wrote a post on the presentation of world and local conditions by the media and how is sells ratings. It was suggested by one individual that to see the world in a positive light can be considered to be “hiding our head in the sand”.

We referred to world conditions and our intent was and never is to avoid truth. Our world can appear to be teetering on a course of destruction at times. We ARE required to do our part to make our worldly home a safe and health place to live. Our intention was and always is to provoke food for thought and the realization that our actions and belief structure influence our internal world as well as our external world.

Our thoughts and intentions…….our beliefs and expectations mold our environment; they mold our world.

If we choose to focus our attention on negativity and on each of the challenging conditions of our world, this is what we will see and this will be all that we know of our world. We draw more of the same into our lives. If we recognize our thoughts as generating factors that eventually build our life, we have to acknowledge that our focus becomes extremely relevant to our life’s conditions and eventually evolving externally into our surroundings.

It is therefore suggested that rather than focus on the negativity in each life situations, we instead turn our attention to the wonder and love that also surrounds us.

It is our intention to help others realize that what they focus on gradually manifests into what they live. If we lose our job, it may or may not be a direct result of our actions, but how we deal with this event is completely up to us. This we have complete control over. We can sit and mope and focus on the “why me” or we can take the opportunity to move forward in a new direction and empower ourselves by learning something new or “hit the bricks” to finding that new job. When one door closes, another door opens, if we BELIEVE this to be true.

Which focus will have the better outcome?

We are not turning a blind eye. We do not ignore what happens in our world but we choose to focus on the beauty, the hope, the love, etc. that IS our world. The more we can focus on these, the more of these we will find.

THIS is what I want to pass on to our future generations. What better way is there to teach future generations? Should we not be the example for this?

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