Transiting Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius. We are focusing on the transit of Saturn trine to the natal Moon. If your Moon is in Gemini or Libra, T. Saturn, at some point between December 2020 and March 2023 will make a trine to your natal Moon.
Saturn in trine to the N. Moon is often harmonious in its expression, although Saturn does imply that you may have to put diligent efforts into your plans which in some cases related to the home and family.
This is a great time to lay the foundation that may apply to the family, especially where young children are concerned. The family holds special relevance under this aspect, and you must be thorough and consistent with them. This may include making things safer for them or providing them with an example to learn from you ultimately to build a solid foundation. If you have teenagers or young adults, teach them responsibility. Help them understand that they are the orchestrator of their life and that the decisions they make can have profound effects now and later in life.
If the recent past has been somewhat challenging for you, you may now find that things settle down and are more in balance than previously. Saturn has to do with work and worldly goals and the Moon deals with emotional response to the world.
You may find that during this trine that the two seem to be working together in a more harmonious manner.
Taking care of matters related to the home and to business can become a priority at this time. This including your work, your finances and any purchases made recently, for these may now seem to work better for you. This is a time of organization and the building of a concrete base that will provide security for you, your family as well as business concerns in the future.
You may also find that older people in positions of authority or those with experience can assist you under this aspect due to Saturn’s influence. Older woman or experienced women may play a significant role. You are now able to listen more intently to learn especially when they speak to you about financial and business concerns as well as the home and family. These individuals have so much information to offer. Take advantage of the information.
From an emotional view, you may find that you feel more secure and your emotional expression is more steady. This is not to say that life will not hand you some adversity, but you may have the tools to work through these experiences and develop plans that make you feel more secure. What lies ahead is never completely clear, but attitude to life’s events is a prime influence of our experience
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