For those born between January, 1978 to November, 1981 with their natal Uranus in Scorpio between 15 to 29°, this square between T Saturn and your N Uranus will be active. T Saturn goes retrograde on June 4, 2022, starting at 25° and remaining in its retrograde cycle until October 23 at 18°
During its retrograde cycle Saturn is known to work in a more favourable energy, still suggesting hard work and lessons learned being the teacher of the zodiac, but also potential advancement. Saturn remains in Aquarius until March 2023 then moves into the sign of Pisces.
For those with this square activated in their natal chart Saturn will restrict energies where Uranus pushes for change and advancement. Saturn wants things to remain the same, offering stability and the tried and tested. Uranus known as the awakener wants to move beyond what has become complacent and now stagnates growth through change (at times sudden change).
There will be a real push and pull for those with this position in their charts and the placements of T Saturn and N Uranus will define which areas of life will be the challenged. As mentioned, while Saturn is in its retrograde cycle it operates more favourably and what you are needing to change may not be held back or under such pressure as it would be once it moves back into its direct motion in late October. You would be wise to take advantage of these more movable energies prior to October to make alterations.
Saturn in Aquarius suggests humanitarian concerns or group involvement pushing for grounding and security. Uranus wants to break free of any restrictions, to awaken to new possibilities and create positive change after deep reflective consideration due to its natal position in Scorpio. Perhaps there is an element of taboo or a need to get to the bottom of matters before pushing ahead although there will likely be elements that stand in the way of progress.
We should proceed with caution, not miss any steps, understanding all the details and knowing which steps are best suited for advancement. The outcome will likely bring more stability after a time of restraint and a strong need to move through any adversity that stands in the way. Squares are challenging but push you to work your way through hardship with enough difficulty and challenge that you feel that you have to correct the situation so that you can move ahead.
This will be favourable in the end.
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