T Pluto stays in the later degrees of Capricorn until March 2023 but does not move permanently into Aquarius until 2024. Pluto moves from 26° forward over this period making a trine to those with their Moon in the late degrees of Taurus and Virgo.
Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus form the earth modality and often speaks in terms of reliability, structural formation, sensitivity tied to practicality and alignment with material achievement. Pluto the planet of transformation and regeneration in trine to the Moon in these placements often speaks of change or evolution regarding emotional involvement and sensitivity around material concerns.
This position often fosters a reliable, steadfast, and constructive element to our emotional experience which can be defined by the house placement of the natal Moon and the current transiting position of Pluto in the chart.
There may be some power struggles or alignment taking place where your sensitivities and compassionate nature is involved. You may put forth great effort aligning your present-day experience so that you feel more comfortable and emotionally stable. You may be seeking to change the way you relate to emotional interaction by delving below the surface of matters and setting new standards for how you experience the emotional side of life.
Pluto moves slowly. If you have this trine in your chart you may be going through these changes. Pluto insists that you take into consideration what needs to develop and what needs to be released for this new approach to unfold.
Sensitivity for those with these lunar positions may never have been an easy expression and perhaps now you might discover you are more inclined to communicate or express your emotional side. Change is in store and may take up to 2 years + to completely unfold and be totally understood.
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