T. Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn, and because of its slow movement, it will remain in trine to many of those with their Sun in Virgo for many years (depending on the degree of their Sun). Pluto moves about one degree each year and its influence is deep and profound. Pluto’s energy brings about transformation as it pushes issues to the surface that need to be dealt with. When in aspect with the Sun, its energy speaks of inner qualities that you may have kept hidden or decided for one reason or another not to deal with. Under this energy these inner issues may surface and insist on being faced.
Since the aspect between the Sun and Pluto is a trine, the opportunity for releasing these issues and making concrete and significant alterations can be profound. The energies will be favourable and you can, after releasing any unwanted emotions or issues, express yourself in a more constructive manner. There is great power in the transformations taking place and can be used for personal development. Your evolution will be strongly influenced by what you do with your life during this aspect. Your personal insight is also enhanced and any changes you make on a personal level can be quite favourable.
Since the Sun reflects your goals and aspirations in life, now is the time to move towards any objectives that you might have in mind, particularly if you have been pondering them for some time. The timing may not have been right in the past, but it is under this aspect. Have a look at other influences in your chart to ensure there is nothing counteracting this energy. This is a particularly positive time for advancement in the professional field, especially if Jupiter or Venus is involved too.
You will find that you have a lot of drive, and success comes from taking advantage of these opportunities while the energies are flowing freely. The Sun can also relate to your father, and he may have these opportunities emerging in his life. Much, of course, depends on the condition of his natal chart too.
Health and vitality will also be influenced by this trine, especially because Virgo is the sign we are focused on. Virgo is focused on health, exercise routines, eating habits and consciousness related to the body. If there have been any ongoing issues related to health, this is a good time for regeneration and for vitality to surface. Astrologically, trines are considered easy flowing aspects. They remove blockages and allow the energies to flow more freely. This is a great time to begin an exercise program and dedicate some time to look after your body’s needs. Setting things in motion can have lasting effects later in life. It is the time to push ahead.
With your Sun in Virgo, make sure you take advantage of the energies present, especially now. This is a useful and transformative aspect that will regenerate many areas of life. Do not squander this opportunity.
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