T Neptune has to do with our mystical alignment, inspiration, music or arts talents, illusion, illusive perception, the desire to be aligned with the oneness of spirit, selflessness and giving without measure. Mars has to do with aggressive action, pursuit, daring adventures, force, and the need to advance and can lead to arguments, heated discussions, violence, and force.
These two energies combined by the square aspect (90°) indicates struggle to view life objectively. Confusion can result and clear vision is needed. Any action may be hindered, and inaction is part of the picture. This may be caused by worry, anxiety, fear, deception, and undefined paths.
Mars is about drive and in some cases sexual drive and combined with Neptune can lead to misconceptions about strong sexual connections or romantic involvement at times based on the sexual encounter. The square always indicates obstacles and hurtles to move through but due to the nature of the square, the irritation or need to push your way through adversity is strong enough that people will look for ways to alleviate the obstruction. Neptune’s desire to escape may hinder progress however.
Much depends on the houses involved. Confirm which house or houses T Neptune is and will move through and the placement of N Mars’ and N Neptune’s positions. The square that T Neptune is making will affect the natal picture of your Mars. It will also be making aspects to other areas of your chart because of Mars’ position and aspect configurations in the birth chart.
Action may be hindered and advancement held back. The clarity of the situation may be vague. It would be best to wait for this transit to pass before taking important steps. However as mentioned the energies of the square often push us into action on some level. Be sure that the action taken is not one of escape, such as drugs or alcohol abuse.
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