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The South Node in astrology focuses on past lives and what we brought forward into this life. This knowledge can be used in coordination with our North Node’s energy. The S. Node also speaks of Karmic issues that were not resolved or still affect us.

The S. Node by sign and house placement, ruling planet and any planets conjunct to its position speak of who we were, our past life character and how we defined ourselves.

The definitive path or plot of our past life is determined by the S. Node’s sign and house position and ruling planet of our S. Node and all aspects but the conjunctions.

In general, the challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares and oppositions) are the ones that will be most significant in this life’s determined path as we need to look at the S. Node as a challenge brought forward into this life. The S. Node is said to have similar energies to Saturn, while the North Node has similar energies to Jupiter, so we always need to view the S. Node in a less than desirable manner.

The conjunctions speak of the merging of energies and have an emphasizing effect. The planets’ energies must be taken into consideration. Regardless of the planets concerned, they must be viewed as challenging and presenting difficulty for maneuvering your way through.

The Oppositions often speaks of relationships and pressing difficulties that can be overwhelming. Depending on the rest of the story the opposition can be something that we may have been longing for which was perhaps missing in a previous incarnation. Oppositions lean towards anguish and in some cases hopelessness or despair.

The Squares leans towards something viewed as being unfair or unjust, anger and resentment as well as aggravation and annoyance. Perhaps you were attacked or violated, and this has led to anguish and anger, and you may now feel a need to resolve the issues carried forward into this life. There is a strong need to get things right this time and to settle the dispute which will help you maneuver your way forward in this life.

Uncovering the issues from a past reincarnation and working on ways to repair the issue, through understanding provided by the S. Nodes delineation can help you move towards the energies of what the North Node is all about for this life.

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