It is well observed that planets located on the Ascendant and MC have a very powerful effect in our natal charts. When these two areas are aspected by transits, quite often things happen and our lives are stirred.
The other house cusps are also important when a transiting planet as well as a progressed planet crosses over their cusps.
The strongest point of impact to notice a change will be when planets pass over the cusps and this is particularly true if they station on one of these cusps. A planet that goes into retrograde over one of these house cusps can move over this area up to three times and this has an impact on the area of life the house represents and the energies of the planet involved. Once they have moved into the house and will not go into retrograde over that cusp again, then the energies are not as powerful.
It has been noted that individuals with a 0 to 1.5 degree Cardinal cusp on the Ascendant and Midheaven appear to get recognition over their life time. Some with this degree become famous or infamous much depends if any planets are making aspects to these areas, which planets it is and what aspects are part of the connection. We are referencing the natal chart and although this is not always the case, for many this is a very real potential. If you move to a different location from your birth town or city, it is important to have a rectification chart prepared as a move can bring on this potential or take this potential away, depending on the positions in the horoscope and how far away you move.
In Transit and especially with the Progressed chart, the house cusps become very significant. If for example you have Pluto moving over the second house cusp and this could last up to a year, you will often notice a fluctuation in the finances. Security goes through a transformation and you will uncover deeper connections to feelings linked to security in your life.
If the same planet moves across the seventh house cusp, there may be transformations in a marriage relationship or business partnership. Some marriages dissolve under this transit, some relationships are made under this transit. One thing is certain, the relationship itself will go through some challenging conditions when things come to the surface and this will have to be dealt with appropriately. A strong relationship will survive the onslaught of this transit, but a weak one may not survive.
It is important to see how the transiting planet makes aspects to other planets during this transit, as this will determine the intensity of what takes place. It is also important to see what the natal potential suggests as several challenging aspects in the natal chart to Pluto (using Pluto as an example) could indicate a real struggle, while mostly positive aspects could prove to be quite beneficial.
Pay particular attention to the progressed Planets making a conjunction to a cusp in the natal chart as this could last for a long time. In general, when the progressed planet is within 12 minutes of being direct, this will be when the energies or activity will begin to be felt. As it separates and moves across the cusp it will weaken and eventually pass.
House cusps are very significant especially when you are dealing with a solar return period. Have a close look at your chart or have a professional delineate it for you and see what cusps are active and when.
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