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One of the greatest gifts available to us is our ability to learn and then in turn, the ability to use these teachings to enhance our lives.

There are many ways we can learn. It is important, however, to adapt an attitude of openness and to realize that we can and will always learning. We will never have all the answers and this is okay. Even in situations where we have been approached for help and we are offering advice in support, it is just as important to listen to what those seeking advice have to say as we can learn from them. It is a give and take experience.

A frequently missed too for learning, when we are offering advice to others, it is equally important that we heed the advice we are offering as help. Reinforcing the basics in any lesson is never futile. Knowing what advice to give or what to say at any given moment does not mean that we actually live the advice we are giving. Sometimes the advice or solutions come from within…from a higher source. The message can be just as important to us as it is to the person we are orally delivering it to. The art of listening is one of our greatest learning tools.

Many of us are short on listening and often this is exactly what is required in the moment. Many of us find it hard to simply sit quietly and listen as the mind loves to interfere. (Meditation is a wonderful tool to overcome this interference and teach us the ability to hear messages from our higher self.)

Many of us gain information through reading and studying. Again, many of us gain knowledge through the practical living of each and every day. We learn through our working conditions, our close associates, our loved ones, nature’s examples, etc.

The greatest learning tool available to us is life itself. It holds many different teachers and lessons. We learn and remember the lessons from these experiences, particularly the tough ones. If we take the time to reflect on these experiences, we can draw much knowledge and grow experientially.

It is important to listen when we need to listen and quiet the mind’s interference. There is much to learn and the opportunities for learning never diminish. What a wealth of opportunity available to us.

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