First and foremost be true to yourself. There is no greater reward than knowing you are yourself regardless of what the ego might want you to believe. You are you and nothing can take away any part of who you truly know yourself to be but you. Be true to your principles and stay strong with your beliefs and all that you stand for.
Know yourself and be confident in that knowing. If you don’t like what you see take note, make changes where needed and allow you to be you. In the end, you will be who you want to be, so build on that.
Stay steadfast regardless of life’s intrusions. Find a place within that feels comfortable, that feels right and connect to that. You can be your true self once you acknowledge that this person is already a part of you. Your idea of the perfect you would not exist if this was not who you are already deep within. You as a human are what you believe you are capable of being, nothing less, nothing more.
You alone walk your personal road. You alone allow your inner light to shine. You alone can allow yourself to rise above any limitation you have placed on yourself. It is in your hands and it always has been. Move in the direction that fits who you are and don’t settle for anything less. Release yourself from ego.
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