Do you admire a specific quality in others?
Do you have a personal quality that you admire?
We want to focus on the qualities you admire within yourself, the respect you have for yourself and the loyalty you have for yourself, others and your personal objectives.
Admiration must begin from within. Appreciate the qualities that you have already brought to the surface. Know that they are part of you.
What you admire in others is already a part of who you are or you would not even recognize these qualities.
Be convicted to your goals for yourself. Hold on to what feels right and is reflective of who you are. We are an ongoing project, always developing and always evolving.
Be loyal to yourself. Respect the qualities that you have built on and be true to yourself. Trust yourself but realize you have much more to learn. Be open. Find peace with that.
You are never off track no matter how it feels or what you think. Each step along the way is a step in the right direction especially when life creates barriers or obstacles as they are steppingstones towards greater enlightenment. Without lessons we become complacent. Life is not about stagnation; it is about growth.
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