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We are continuing our look at the past life signature from our Part I post on June 15, 2020. We would suggest reading the June 15 article prior to reading this post to get a little background if you have the time to do so.

The South Node by sign, and we are going to use Sagittarius as our example, suggests that in a previous life this individual may have been a wonderer who travelled extensively and was taught through these experiences (these are Sagittarius qualities). Sagittarius has to do with higher learning attached to religious doctrines, life philosophy and the need to explore the higher regions of the mind to find ultimate truth.

This individual could have been a priest, minister, etc. or a follower of religion or a philosopher with no ties to others. This individual may have roamed the countryside spreading philosophy and spirituality, and although they likely got along well with others, they may have been considered a loner and footloose. They may have lived the life that they wanted to live in spite of other people’s perceptions or opinions. They likely loved the wide-open spaces and may have found peace in nature and its surroundings. They were expansion seekers and found great pleasure in the simple things in life. It may not have taken much for them to be happy and content although they were always on the move and no one place to call home.

If for example this Sagittarius South Node’s placement was in the twelfth house this would exemplify the potential for this individual being of a religious order. Perhaps they were a minister or worked with the underprivileged with little need for recognition or ego enhancement from their efforts. They may have worked with individuals who had issues related to self-worth or had addiction problems or were confined to institutions or jails. This Sagittarius South Node individual may have had a saviour complex and needed to be the one doing the saving or in contrast the one who needed being saved.

If we look at the South Node as being negative in its manifestation, this person may have lived the way they did because no one accepted them. Perhaps they had severe mental challenges or were so far-sighted that no one understood them. Perhaps they were mistreated and pushed aside because of their beliefs or hurt and beaten by more aggressive individuals that did not agree with their philosophies. The story goes on and on and of course unless we use past life regression techniques, we will never uncover specifics of the actual story, but Astrology and the Astrological nodes will definitely give us some direction.

To get further indicators as to what that previous life might have looked like we also need to have a look at the ruler of the South Node and any conjunctions it has as well as any other aspects it is receiving. In this case because the South Node is Sagittarius, the ruler would be Jupiter. Let us say that Jupiter is in the third house and conjunct Saturn. This suggests that along with the other indicators about the past life, this individual also had a certain amount of good luck and was open to conversation and communication. This individual may have been a public speaker as public speaking was important to this person. This individual would not have wanted recognition, perhaps they were a monk.

With Saturn connected to this positioning, this individual would have spoke of serious subjects. There would have been nothing light about their topics of conversation and perhaps there were people in authority that did not especially like what they had to say. Perhaps these authority figures tried to shut this individual down. It could be suggested that this individual would have purposely been removed from the public eye so that they would not influence those around them and sway public opinion.

As you can see, the story begins to unfold and we learn a lot by searching out the indicators of past life for relevant information. By studying these important features, we can see how this energy and influence might carry over into this incarnation.

There is more to come. Watch for our article to be posted on June 22, 2020 for more information.

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