We are experiencing a New Moon in the sign of Gemini on Monday, June 3, 2019, at 6:02 am EDT. This New Moon has its placement at 12 degrees in Gemini. Those individuals with natal planets particularly tied to this placement by conjunction or opposition will find that the areas of life affected (determined by the houses position) will become active with this influence.
New Moons are suggestive of the energies conducive to new beginning or fresh starts. With this specific New Moon, it is a time to push ahead with intellectual projects such as continued schooling and educational pursuits due to the Gemini influence. There is an intellectual curiosity linked to this New Moon’s position and advancement or a push in this area can produce viable and constructive outcomes. The key is to stay with the plan and not allow yourself to sway in your focus even if you become bored with the slow although likely steady developments.
There are no major aspects in transit affecting this position of the New Moon and the only minor aspect is a semi-sextile from transiting Mars. Semi-sextiles suggest being in the right place at the right time and Mars is all about drive and ambition. Mars is in Cancer at 12 degrees and the nurturing connection to Cancer can be quite evident with this combination. The mind is agile, adaptable and changeable. When linked with Mars in the sign of Cancer, the need to take care of those we love is high. We might apply this energy through mental stimulation and an applied effort to raise the emotional state of someone close to us. There is an intellectual connection with how we might go about accomplishing this. We can apply energy and drive to this focus, and with consistency, help the individual in question rise above any issues that they may be experiencing.
This may be tied to a family member perhaps a masculine child or parent and may also include housing or homecare and a protective urge with an “instinctive” action on your part. This may be a time when you search for alternative housing for a family member in need and an analytical nature should be applied. Look for a place that offers support from a mental perspective as well as any physical needs. This is especially true if the fourth house is involved and may also be tied in with your children if for example the fifth house is involved.
Signing agreements or making plans for educational pursuits, as mentioned, may also be part of the process and if the natal positioning of planets are tied to this New Moon favourably then this might be a good time to make plans for furthering your education especially if the ninth house is part of the picture.
Early education tied to your children may also be part of the picture if the third house is involved.
As you can see, the house position is very important.
As in the case of all New Moons, this is a time to push ahead with plans and formulate action, especially so with Mars tied into the equation.
Again, being in the right place at the right time may be part of this energy.
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