Is Natal or Transiting Pluto conjunct the Midheaven (MC) in your chart?
Pluto on the Midheaven at birth suggests an individual with a powerful presence especially in the working environment. They will have the ability to transform the working environment not only for themselves but also for those that they either work for or work with. This position speaks of leadership and the changes that can take place in this person’s life when they transform working conditions and regenerate this area of their life.
There may be some struggles with personal wills when it comes to moving forward with their objectives, but any challenges will facilitate changes required to further the evolution of the individual in question. The actual process would be very deep and would describe changes and transformations on a fairly constant basis. Any changes that do take place will be permanent in nature. There would be no half measures with this ongoing process and are often life altering. This ongoing process however must be stimulated by other transiting planets to this position.
This is a position of regeneration of the life goals. This individual would gain recognition for their efforts with uncovering integral internal changes, but these changes would usually require some participation from others especially if an opposition is part of the picture. These individuals may find that there is some opposition to their efforts by their superiors and the best route to follow is one where the ego stays in the background. The individuals with this aspect may have an approach which might be quite aggressive, and this might also stand in the way of progress but standing in the shadows is not what these individuals are meant to do either.
Much of their approach depends on the astrological sign involved. For example, if Pluto is in Virgo, regardless of this aspect, this generation of individuals would proceed in a meticulous fashion, digging up material that needs alterations and strategic changes. With a Virgo influence this would take place in a very organized manner. Everything will have its place and their presentation would be accurate and detailed. The Pluto Virgo individuals operate in a very orderly manner with expertise.
Those with say Pluto in Scorpio may work below the radar and do things in a much more subtle manner. They would go deep into what needs transformation and challenge tradition. If they have this aspect, they will make suggestions on how the company would best work under most any condition. They would be more subtle in their approach but have an impact that would not go unnoticed. Their approach would be intense and very complete. Pluto Scorpio individuals would bring things to the surface that others may not even have noticed or dared to bring to the surface. They may be more of the quiet type, depending on the sign on the Ascendant, but would present an image of know-how and people would notice their presence.
When transiting Pluto is residing on the Midheaven, this period speaks of transformation in the working environment but often more with the actual occupation or life status. Depending on the overall conditions in the individual’s chart, there would be powerful influences taking place that may involve disruptions and major changes to take place. There may be disruptions with people in power or authority and difficulties simply based on varying opinions. The changes that would take place could open doors for new positions of authority and may offer an opportunity to move up the corporate ladder into a management position. There may also be major changes affecting the career, life status, goals and aspirations and objectives.
Pluto will uncover anything that needs to be transformed into a higher state. This is done in order to move forward regardless of obstruction. Pluto will facilitate change on one level or another.
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