Life was full of amazing adventures when we were children. We never worried about tomorrow and lived completely in the moment. Life was our playground, and every day was filled with excitement and wonder. We lived on the edge of our seat and experienced each moment in full emotion, yet no emotion was long lived.
We were completely enveloped in each moment and some moments were joyful while others were engulfed with disappointment but always filled with anticipation. We didn’t know what was next, but we built on each moment and explored each avenue.
Now as an adult, life still is our playground if we decide not to be at the mercy of our thoughts, and we allow ourselves to stay in the moment. Wonder and excitement can continue to be a part of our adult life. We can still have fun and explore life while living in the here and now. Embrace the wonder (just as you did as a child) without being overly concerned about where life might take us (because we will go there with or without worry).
Live your life just as a child would, enjoying and truly experiencing the moment AND just as you did as a child, let go and move forward especially when life throws its lessons at us, presenting us with things that we would prefer not to experience but valuable lessons, nonetheless.
Attitude is the remedy and focus creates. Life will still happen, so focus on the wonder and beauty as life is your playground. Look at all that is in front of you with fresh eyes, with a new perspective, with wonderment. Remember to play!
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