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We have never taken the opportunity to explain the energies of an eclipse and we have had a few inquiries pertaining to Eclipse’s energies.

It is important to understand that the sign and house positions along with conjunction from the natal chart to the Eclipse positon determine how the energies will affect us. There is a difference in energies if the eclipse is total or partial and whether the eclipse is viewable by us at our position on earth. Those in the area of direct view of the eclipse will have a more powerful influence if connected to the natal chart. However, all eclipses are felt to some degree by everyone and if we were to take notes during their affects we would see how powerful they actually are in our lives.

All eclipses occur with either a Full Moon or a New Moon and are also ties to the North or South Nodes. An eclipse can often be felt or experienced prior to the actual event up to about 2 weeks and the influence will last 3 to 6 months after the eclipse. Some individuals have been known to still feel the effects up to one year after the event.

For the eclipse to have an effect on us personally, we will need to have a planet in our chart or angle connected by conjunction or opposition within three degrees of the degree and minute of the eclipse. The closer to direct and the more planets and angles involved, the stronger the effect will be. If there is no connection within the birth chart then the effects can go by almost unnoticed.

Many become worried when an eclipse approaches and although they can have profound effects, our reaction and attitude to these events or circumstances always play a key role in how we handle the energies at hand.

With all eclipses, as mentioned earlier, the sign and house play significant roles. They determine the area of life involved and the type of energy that is released. Eclipses can be felt by everyone depending on how the natal chart is connected. Not only will the energies affect people, they can also affect nations.

Eclipses are similar to the nature of a Full Moon and New Moon but much more powerful in nature.

As mentioned, an eclipse is connected to the Nodes, either the North Node or the South Node. The North node connection is much more positive than the South Node connection although both can have positive as well as challenging ramifications.

The North Node often brings positive results and you may be luckier, see more opportunities and find its energies exhilarating and exciting. Energy arrives and often good things happen. When the challenging effects are lined up with the North Node then we are prone to excessive and aggressive behaviour and will push too hard for more and even potentially become greedy.

The North Node is associated with Jupiter while the South Node is associated with Saturn.

When the South Node is connected to the eclipse, the positive aspects connected can amount to letting go or releasing what needs to be let go of. Some find clarity in life situations and others who are so inclined, find that spiritual awakenings take place at this time. When the South Node reacts in a challenging sense it can have a depressive effect and we can feel weary and exhausted. This can push us to feeling that we don’t have the will power to continue. People become fearful and distrustful which can lead to depression in some cases.

With the North Node connection the energy is said to arrive while the South Node connection the energies are said to be departing. North Node connections pull in energies and South Node connections release energies or let go of them.

It is also important to look to see which element the eclipse is in by sign (earth, air, fire or water) and also whether it is in a fixed, cardinal or mutable sign.

We will touch on information on the elements and modalities in our post on February 10, 2020.

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