There are three different planetary movements found in the birth chart. These movements are known as applying aspects, (planets moving together to form an aspect) separating aspects, (planets moving away from one another) and stationary aspects (stationary direct or stationary retrograde). We are going to discuss the applying and separating aspects in our Natal Chart in this post.
All planets, whether retrograde or direct in the birth chart, will either be forming an aspect with another planet or separating from aspect to a planet. The closer to exact the aspect, the stronger its influence is in our lives. There are some planets that make no aspects, although this is rare. If they are not making a major aspect (sextile, trine, conjunction, inconjunct, square or opposition) they are very powerful in the natal chart.
Many astrologers believe that a separating aspect deals with past events, or if you like, finished business. These suggest something that has already been dealt with and will eventually fade over time. Some believe that the acknowledgement and correction took place before birth and that we have already adjusted to or overcome whatever the two planets involve describe. The degrees that separate the planets describe how powerful that aspect is in the chart. The closer degrees to being direct with an aspect, the more likely that this energy was perhaps one of the last things that was set in motion in a previous lifetime, but this is speculative.
Astrologers understand this significance and will define its intensity and help delineate the meaning of any influence in the Birth Chart. When planets are applying, it is understood that the faster moving planet is moving towards the slower moving planet and suggested unfinished business that will have to be rectified during the course of this lifetime. Once again, the closer the aspect, the more apparent and pressing the energies of the planets involved. We have come into this life to uncover the aspects meaning and address the apparent issue and come to terms with whatever the planets and aspects suggest.
The applying aspects becomes stronger as time passes. They intensify and push us in directions that will assist us in defining the apparent circumstances involving these two planetary energies. These conditions are dealt with after birth. Applying aspects are suggestive of future endeavours that should be dealt with and transits that touch on these planetary links can intensify the birth condition and help us push towards resolution. This is not to say that all aspects between planets are challenging; far from it.
You must review the planets involved and decipher how well they work together and what aspects are involved before making a judgement call on how the energies will affect one another. It should also be understood that a tight square or opposition in the birth chart has been set in motion in this life for us to overcome and could therefore be considered a challenging but advantageous aspect forcing us to make adjustments that in turn enhance development.
Without challenging conditions in the birth chart, and there are charts that are extremely easy flowing with many trines and sextiles, there is little offered for achievement in life. It is the challenging aspects that motivate us forward and challenge us to push for resolution.
Remember the tighter the aspect, the more significant its influence in our lives. When deciphering a chart, it is very important to take this into consideration.
For example, a conjunction between Mars and Pluto is a very strong aspect, but if they are separating from one another and are out by 8 degrees, this is considered a weak conjunction, in comparison to a conjunction between these two planets approaching out only by one degree. The latter scenario would be far stronger.
If for example the 8 degrees separating aspect of Pluto and Mars, although considered a powerful combination, were compared to an aspect of let’s say Venus conjunct the Sun, (which is a much softer aspect). In this example the Venus conjunct the Sun aspect is applying and only out by 23 minutes. The latter conjunction would have a far greater influence than the aspect between Mars and Pluto separating at 8 degrees.
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