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Again, happy solar return to our Virgo readers. Here is our link for our 2024 information on Sun in Virgo.

Much of what we are writing about will depend on which degree the Sun in Virgo is in the birth chart and which houses are involved.  It is important to have a look at the potential provided in the natal chart to understand the outcome of the transits that we will speak about. 


Transiting Neptune and transiting Saturn are both in Pisces which makes them in opposition to those with their Virgo Sun within the same degrees currently occupied by these two powerful outer planets. 


Oppositions are considered challenging and often involve other people.  In many cases, our plans are disrupted because of these individuals, and we must find a way to deal with or get past their influence.  In most cases when other people are making suggestions, we should listen to their advice. In some cases, their advice will be very helpful and in other cases, they may cause a hinderance.  We must learn to work with both depending on what is being proposed.


Neptune in the case of oppositions to the Sun (currently in August, 2024 Neptune is at 29° Pisces) suggests that you may not be able to see things clearly or do not have a clear understanding of what is taking place.  There may be some vagueness to your goals and aspirations because people seem to be feeding you wrong information or information that does not jive with your plans.  Depending on how long this has been in play in your chart and the houses involved, this may have been going on for a long time or you may have felt it coming for some time now. 


Saturn on the other hand (Saturn is currently at 17° Pisces and in retrograde) will be in its retrograde cycle until mid-November, 2024. Saturn works more favorably when in retrograde than when it is direct.  There will still be delays and some obstacles in the way at this time but with hard work and a well-organized effort, you can accomplish much during this phase.  Your superiors may be of assistance, but things may not move ahead as quickly as you might wish they would.  Things seem to move too slowly but there likely is a logical reason for this if you were to take a closer look. 


Your objectives, and on a more personal level, your inner self is going through a time when things will shift.  It will likely be some time before you get a real feel for which direction life is taking you.  You may be doing some inner reflection and will make significant changes at this time but be patient and listen to advice. When you make up your mind as to which direction to follow, the door will open. You are currently learning about yourself and will make changes as time passes.


The 2024 aspects for Sun in Virgo signify a vagueness with your goals with delays and obstacles all likely coming from others. Be patient. Change is coming, both inward and outward. Happy solar return to our Virgo readers.

The 2024 aspects for Sun in Virgo signify a vagueness with your goals with delays and obstacles all likely coming from others. Be patient. Change is coming, both inward and outward. Happy solar return to our Virgo readers.
2024 Aspects for Sun in Virgo



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