(Part one)
Transiting Neptune has been between 14-18 degrees of Pisces all of 2019. Those with their Sun sign in Virgo in and around these degrees will be having or have had the opposition from Neptune to their Sun.
Oppositions often suggest that there is an influence from others during this passage of Neptune to the Sun. Depending on what houses are involved in you Astrology chart, others may be influencing your relationships especially with the marriage partner (7th), your occupation and goals in life (MC/10th house) or within the working environment and with co-workers (6th) security matters or finances (2nd house) the mystical side of life or occult matters (12th and 8th) and the list goes on.
When Neptune is making an impact in your life quite often there is a veil of uncertainty or cloudiness to life’s situations. Things are unclear and unreliable, and the information coming through may be somewhat vague in its expression. It is often wise to utilize the input of others during Neptune’s opposition to your sun; however make sure that you can trust these people, as in some cases some may be trying to misinform you as well.
You may have problems seeing people for who they are or your goals in life could be obscured. Life’s direction seems unclear or vague under this influence and it is often best to wait until the cloudiness has dissipated somewhat. If a relationship is involved, you may put the individual on a pedestal and later be disappointed when you get the real picture of them.
The Sun sometimes points towards the father or the more dominant parent, and you may not be seeing things clearly or you may have the wrong impression regarding him.
Your insight under this aspect is often heightened and your intuitive perception may be clearer than normal, as long as you are not using your imagination. The unconscious may provide you with information pertaining to these energies at hand and although things may be somewhat vague you may get some “guided” insight to help you along.
At times after the aspect begins to fade (due to the orb of influence separating as well as clearer insight), you may also experience inspirational activity related to the matters connected to the houses which are being highlighted in your personal chart. Make sure you also look into the house placement and aspects to natal Neptune in your Astrology chart to get a better understanding of what areas of life are being affected.
We will continue our mini forecast on August 26, 2019.
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