We continue with our look at the New Moon in the sign of Pisces at 9°. See www.holmastrology.com/post/pisces-new-moon-2025 .

Today, we will focus on some of the houses where this New Moon may be located in our Natal chart and how the house energy will influence the New Moon’s energies. Check your chart to confirm where the Pisces New Moon is located.
If the New Moon in found in the first house, this suggests something of a personal nature which affects us emotionally, especially if this placement also incorporates the Natal Moon which will enhance the already intense nature of this positioning. It may affect your health and likely in a more positive manner. Because Mars is part of the equation (again please read our previous post for details), you may feel more energized and may start something such as an exercise program that will help vitalize you. This may be quite vigorous or intense and could involve martial arts, weightlifting, etc.
In the third house, this may indicate that perhaps you begin a writing or reading project. Perhaps you decide that it is finally time to put your thoughts into words and start to write a book. This will likely take some time to put together and change the course of your everyday activities. Perhaps siblings and/or schooling are involved on some level. One thing is for certain, it will involve communication and learning one way or another. If Mercury is part of the interlinking energies, this will be enhanced, but if Saturn is part of the process, things may be delayed or obstructed in some way and often hard work is implied.
If the fifth house is involved, this may have something to do with your children, or you may be starting a new romance. Having more fun and the enjoyment of life will be enhanced if Venus is involved as well as love and affection and perhaps attending to more socializing events. This can be the time for your heart to grow through love and romance, but this placement does not guarantee that the relationship, if this is what is taking hold, will become one that moves into a marriage type experience. It may be just for the moment, but you should enjoy one another and know it is in the moment that counts.
We will look at one last possible placement. Let’s say that this New Moon is in the tenth house, the house of career, goals and life status. If so, then these areas may be affected. The tenth house may indicate that with a strong push to achieve you can make yourself known to your superiors for your hard work and a genuine concern for those around you, especially if the sixth house ruler or planets within this house are affecting your New Moon’s positioning. Your goals and aspirations may also be highlighted and perhaps because of an engagement or marriage, especially if the ruler of the seventh house or planets within the seventh house also play a part in what is taking place, your status is changing. Others may notice and you may gain recognition in some manner if positive energies are in place. This is a good time to reach your objectives and push for good results.
(Let’s not forget to incorporate the energies of Mars being Trine and Jupiter being Square into all the above indicators as they can have a profound effect as well.)Â
I hope this review has shown the importance of the astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon and on any other event taking place in the astrology chart for that matter. Review your chart and get the full picture.
As a side note, we would like to remind our readers that we offer beginner’s Astrology classes and likely will be offering classes this spring if there are sufficient students interested. If you are interested, drop us a line and we can put you on the contact list for when registrations are taking place.
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If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via www.holmastrology.com/contact-us or holmastrology@gmail.com
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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at www.holmastrology.com/intuitive-readings
Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit www.holmastrology.com/astrology-classes for course details.