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Holm Astrology has been creating "Astrology" and "Food For Thought" posts for over 10 years.  Wix has taken over the Vista Print websites and as a result of the migration of our information, a large portion of our blog posts are currently lost. 


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Today, December 30, 2024, there will be a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn at 9°.  For those with their Sun within 3° of the 9° position in Capricorn or between 6° to 12° in Cancer, this post will be significant for you. 


With the New Moon December 30, 2024 plant new seeds related to Capricorn’s energies in the garden of life. Nurture these seeds and harvest your rewards under the Capricorn Full Moon in six months.
New Moon December 30, 2024

The Sun in Capricorn will make a conjunction and the Sun in Cancer will make an opposition to this New Moon. These two aspects are the most important aspects when speaking about the Moon’s cycles (New and Full Moon).  The Conjunction will be the stronger of the two.


The New Moon signals the beginning of a new stages or focus and we will focus more on the conjunction with this post.  This is the planning phase and the initiation of whatever you decide to move forward with.  In Capricorn, this might have something to do with business although much will depend on the houses involved in your personal chart.  It could focus on business regarding marriage (7th), family (4th), career (10), etc. 


This is the time to set your goals. Be ambitious to ensure that your intensions reach fruition.  In six months from now when the Full Moon is in Capricorn, you will reap the rewards of whatever effort you expended, so make sure you implement full effort in whatever you set out to achieve.


Capricorn has to do with diligent effort and knowing that it takes some time to reach our summit. Have patience and perseverance even if there seems to be setbacks or time delays along the way.  Your efforts will be rewarded.


Transiting Saturn makes a wide Sextile to this position at 14° Pisces and transiting Jupiter makes a quincunx to this position at 13° Gemini.  Both placements will assist the process and Saturn, although it always implies that you will have to work hard to reach your objectives, provides security and stability once you reach your goal. 


Jupiter, although in quincunx, suggests that you may have to make some alterations along the way.  Adjustments are likely but with Jupiter the chances of success are greater.  Jupiter can make things flow more easily and create opportunities that may not otherwise have been in place.


You may be able to do this on your own, but assistance from those in authority will never hurt. 


The rest of the chart will have to be analyzed to confirm if there are other benefits or hindrances also in play.  Keep working towards your goals at this time and don’t let anything stand in the way. You may find more rewards than you expect.


With the New Moon December 30, 2024 plant new seeds related to Capricorn’s energies in the garden of life. Nurture these seeds and harvest your rewards under the Capricorn Full Moon in six months.



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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There are periods in life where we just need some down time to recharge after life’s lessons.  These are times where we recuperate, contemplate and heal. 


Life can be very unpredictable, and we are uncertain, at times, where we might be heading.  This can create stress and even trauma and disease.


You can’t escape life’s lessons, but you can find the best way to journey through them.  Through life lessons, including the traumatic events, we gain experience, courage, hope and strength. We are in control of our reactions. You are the person you are today because of your life lessons and your attitude towards each lesson.

Some have the courage to reach out for help, some have the ability to go within to find resolutions to life’s lessons and some resist the lessons and essential stagnate. 


Some people may look for causes and want to lay blame while others put the blame on themselves and feel ashamed or left wondering why. 


The why may not be nearly as important as the growth that we experience if we work with the lessons presented. We search for the best approach when dealing with life’s challenges.  Some surrender to the lesson and feel much more at ease because of this acceptance while others surrender because they feel that they are at the mercy of life and any hope of recovery seems distant.


Life moves us in different directions from time to time and we need to find ways to learn the lesson and then let go as this is part of the recovery from these events.  We do learn from these times but, yes, sometimes the lessons are not pleasant, to say the least.  All things happen for a reason. The reason may not always be understood from our human perspective. Letting go and moving ahead is our best approach.  Fighting the process of the lesson can set us back and sometimes there is literally nothing that can be done about the situation. The only solution is to let go and accept. In doing so we allow ourselves to move forward.


Recovery from extreme lessons does not happen in a day. Even during recovery there may be times that we feel that we are falling short of moving beyond the situation. This is only the mind’s interference. No thought is worth holding on to.  Thoughts are meant to be acknowledged and released just like the lessons we are learning.  They are not ours to hold.  Thoughts are fleeting. Our mind can tell us one thing this moment and the complete opposite the next. Setbacks are self inflected and created by our ego. 


Acknowledge that you can learn this lesson and move on.  It is a choice. Do the work required. Time does not heal; our practice of letting go is what allows healing. Thought processing and belief structures are the instrument of our healing, growing and developing. 


You can’t escape life’s lessons, but you can find the best way to journey through them.  Through life lessons, including the traumatic events, we gain experience, courage, hope and strength. We are in control of our reactions. You are the person you are today because of your life lessons and your attitude towards each lesson.



Holm Astrology not only offers astrology charts but also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.
Saturn Trine Natal North Node

Transiting Saturn currently (December 2024) is in the sign of Pisces and will remain in this sign until February, 2026.  Saturn makes a brief stay in Aries from May 25 to August 31, 2025 then returning back to Pisces. Saturn then enters Aries once again in February, 2026 moving forward not returning back to Pisces.  Those with their North Node in either Cancer or Scorpio will be having a trine from Saturn when their natal North Node is within the same degrees as Saturn as it transits. You can allow an orb of 3 degrees approaching or moving away from (12 to 29 degrees).


There is quite a difference between having a North Node in Cancer and having a North Node in Scorpio but the one thing that both of these water signs have in common is they are very sensitive to their surroundings and are of an emotional makeup.  With a North Node in Cancer or Scorpio, the South Nodes will be in either Taurus or Capricorn which are both earth signs and will focus on earthly matters.  Capricorn is about rising to the top in business related matters, while Taurus is about building a foundation often based on material achievement that will stand the test of time.


Saturn, which will now be making a sextile to both of these placements, will often point towards success and achievement along with recognition of hard work and diligence.  This is considered an opportunity aspect while the Trine suggests not only opportunities but likely easier flow especially when Saturn is in its retrograde cycle. This will suggest an opening when moving ahead with our goals and aspirations.  However, as with most aspects of Saturn, it indicates some struggles along the way and perhaps minor setbacks that will seem to get in the way of quick progress.  A steady approach and learning the art of compromise and patience will go a long way with these aspects of Saturn.


In some cases, important people come into the picture and offer assistance in some manner that helps you achieve what you have set out to accomplish.  These people may come and then go or they may become part of the ongoing process assisting along the way.  In some cases, these are older individuals or people with experience that can aid in whatever is now taking hold. 


Since the North Node has ties to our path and goals in life and is, at the very least, the path we are to follow in this life and the South Node deals with what we have brought with us to help with our North Node objectives, this is the perfect time to advance in this path with as little restrictions as possible. 


Use some caution but do not let fear or worry stand in your way with working towards your path and goals in life.  Saturn trine Natal North Node can be a very productive time with rewards coming your way.



Purchase a unique gift for a loved one this holiday. Buy an experience they will remember. Holm Astrology offers gift certificates for both card readings and Astrology Charts. Contact us for a personalized gift certificate for an Astrology chart or purchase a card readings gift certificate directly in our webstore.


If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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