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With Uranus opposition natal Saturn, change is part of the current process likely brought on by others. Change is required. If you resist, the change may be much more challenging and disruptive.
Uranus Opposition Natal Saturn

This article is a good general read for Uranus opposition Natal Saturn. However, to go a little more specific for our current signs affecting Uranus and Saturn, Uranus will remain in the sign of Taurus until July, 2025. As a result, currently Uranus Opposition will specifically affect those who have Saturn in Scorpio in the later degrees to make the opposition.  Saturn was transiting through Scorpio from 1953 to 1956, 1982 to 1985, and 2012 to 2015.  It went into retrograde during these time frames so you will have to check your ephemeris or chart to see if this post applies to you.  Uranus can be felt 5-7° approaching and up to 2° separating but will be the strongest when it is direct (at the exact degree).


Those individuals that have Saturn in Scorpio in their astrology birth chart will be deep and reflective, may have some challenges when it comes to revealing the significance of the psychic realm especially in personal terms, and will likely have to work hard to uncover and deal with any taboo subjects that they may identify with, especially from an internal perspective.


Now to more general information for Uranus opposition Natal Saturn, Uranus brings about change and can work in disruptive manners, sudden and often unexpectedly, but it offers an understanding of what frequently stands in the way of moving in a new direction.  In this particular case, with Uranus being in Opposition to our Natal Saturn, the need for change may be stimulated from outside of oneself.  Others may be the reason behind the need for change and there may be some disruptive forces that seem to prevail likely to force change on us.


Much will depend on the astrological houses involved.  For example, if your Natal Saturn is in the second house, security and finances are something that you need to work on and in this case, it could be Uranus (which would be in the eighth house) bringing change because someone that you depended on has deceased or left your life. Now you may be seeking alimony, must look deeply into shared resources or could be part of a settlement through inheritance where perhaps family members are causing disruption.


If Saturn is in the fourth house, then the home and family may be affected. Perhaps your early upbringing was difficult and the family that you grew up with (which may have been strict or restrictive in some way) now is seeing changes due to status, your life’s path, your career being adjusted, or your goals and aspirations now going through some changes.  This can apply to the home and family you have created as well. Much will depend on your age. 


If you are in your late 60’s, this may relate to your parents. If you are in your 40’s, this may involve your current home and there being some challenges because of changes taking place at work. If we are speaking of a young person roughly 10 to 13 years old, this may mean that your family is moving and those that you are comfortable with, especially your friends, are now going to be out of reach or further away than you might wish them to be. 


With Uranus opposition natal Saturn, change is often part of the current process. Because you are comfortable with the way things are at this point, does not mean that change is not required on some level.  Accepting what now flows your way is the best approach.  If you resist, the change may be much more challenging and disruptive.



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Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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How are your living conditions?


When we put our circumstances into perspective, we may realize our lives are not as bad as our mind makes them out to be. Put things into focus & see what is right in front of us.
Living Conditions

Different parts of our world are living under very dramatic conditions.  There are uncontrolled wildfires, droughts and famine, war and oppression. There are extreme weather conditions. There are many other influences taking hold in people’s lives, some of their own making, and some strictly from outside influences.


Perhaps it’s time we have a little closer look at our own lives!  We become so accustomed to our conditions that we can take them for granted and even complain about the good in our lives. Perhaps, we could stop complaining and put what is happening in our own lives into perspective. In many cases, those of us reading this article have it far better than most others in our world.  Some in our own community do not have a roof over their heads or steady food in their bellies, and as mentioned, this could unknowingly be our neighbours.


Compare your living conditions to others living in our world. Perhaps we can pay more attention to the good in our lives and acknowledge that in many cases our complaints are minor, and we live a good life.


Look around you.  Can you help? 


IT IS TIME to be grateful.  It is time to take a closer look.  When we put our circumstances into perspective, we may realize our lives are not as bad as our mind makes them out to be.  Life is full of little miracles. We should put this into focus and see what is right in front of us.


So, let me ask again; how are your living conditions?



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


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We continue with our look at the New Moon in the sign of Pisces at 9°.  See .


The astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon (on any event taking place in the astrology chart for that matter) are important. Review your chart and get the full picture.
Astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon

Today, we will focus on some of the houses where this New Moon may be located in our Natal chart and how the house energy will influence the New Moon’s energies.  Check your chart to confirm where the Pisces New Moon is located.


If the New Moon in found in the first house, this suggests something of a personal nature which affects us emotionally, especially if this placement also incorporates the Natal Moon which will enhance the already intense nature of this positioning. It may affect your health and likely in a more positive manner.  Because Mars is part of the equation (again please read our previous post for details), you may feel more energized and may start something such as an exercise program that will help vitalize you.  This may be quite vigorous or intense and could involve martial arts, weightlifting, etc.


In the third house, this may indicate that perhaps you begin a writing or reading project.  Perhaps you decide that it is finally time to put your thoughts into words and start to write a book.  This will likely take some time to put together and change the course of your everyday activities.  Perhaps siblings and/or schooling are involved on some level.  One thing is for certain, it will involve communication and learning one way or another.  If Mercury is part of the interlinking energies, this will be enhanced, but if Saturn is part of the process, things may be delayed or obstructed in some way and often hard work is implied.


If the fifth house is involved, this may have something to do with your children, or you may be starting a new romance.  Having more fun and the enjoyment of life will be enhanced if Venus is involved as well as love and affection and perhaps attending to more socializing events.  This can be the time for your heart to grow through love and romance, but this placement does not guarantee that the relationship, if this is what is taking hold, will become one that moves into a marriage type experience. It may be just for the moment, but you should enjoy one another and know it is in the moment that counts.


We will look at one last possible placement.  Let’s say that this New Moon is in the tenth house, the house of career, goals and life status. If so, then these areas may be affected.  The tenth house may indicate that with a strong push to achieve you can make yourself known to your superiors for your hard work and a genuine concern for those around you, especially if the sixth house ruler or planets within this house are affecting your New Moon’s positioning.  Your goals and aspirations may also be highlighted and perhaps because of an engagement or marriage, especially if the ruler of the seventh house or planets within the seventh house also play a part in what is taking place, your status is changing.  Others may notice and you may gain recognition in some manner if positive energies are in place.  This is a good time to reach your objectives and push for good results.


(Let’s not forget to incorporate the energies of Mars being Trine and Jupiter being Square into all the above indicators as they can have a profound effect as well.) 


I hope this review has shown the importance of the astrological houses and their effect on the Pisces New Moon and on any other event taking place in the astrology chart for that matter. Review your chart and get the full picture.


As a side note, we would like to remind our readers that we offer beginner’s Astrology classes and likely will be offering classes this spring if there are sufficient students interested.  If you are interested, drop us a line and we can put you on the contact list for when registrations are taking place.



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Watch for announcements in late Winter for our Spring courses. Visit for course details.


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