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Holm Astrology has been creating "Astrology" and "Food For Thought" posts for over 10 years.  Wix has taken over the Vista Print websites and as a result of the migration of our information, a large portion of our blog posts are currently lost. 


We realize our Astrology posts are vital to our students. 


If you do not find what you are looking for on this Blog page, please visit where you will find our missing blog posts.  There are over 2,660 posts pre September, 2023.


We apologize for the inconvenience but it is worth the jump over to our blogspot.

Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.
Saturn Sextile Jupiter

The transit of Saturn often produces challenging conditions.  It indicates difficulties to overcome through life lessons and sometimes delays along the way.  Hard work is always part of the process of moving forward and nothing comes easily.  We must work for our results when Saturn is involved.


Saturn restricts and delays while Jupiter expands and brings opportunities into play.  Under most conditions, Saturn will cause hardships but when connected to Jupiter unless there are other mitigating factors in the chart suggesting otherwise, you will still have to work for your results but there are likely opportunities in place that create easier flow and growth over an extended period of time.


The sextile suggests opportunity and Jupiter opens the door for growth and fortunate conditions along the way.  Things may work better than anticipated and the opportunity for expansion is enhanced.  Much will depend on the houses involved and the aspects in the natal chart to Jupiter and Saturn.


If both planets are virtually unaspected then the potential for something solid and foundational is in place.  If either one of these planets is under stress and the rest of the chart by transit and progression suggests something similar, you will have to work hard for the results you are pushing for.  You may not reach the desired conclusion, but the outcome will still likely be beneficial. 


If something within the chart is very challenged and has been for some time now, this sextile may expand things and make things worse although the final outcome may seem challenging but it likely will be the best outcome in the long haul.


If the chart is not under any stress, working hard towards your goals is suggested and the results may be magnificent.


Saturn sextile natal Jupiter requires work but in the long run the outcome is likely quite beneficiary.  Work towards a goal but build a good foundation for it as you must use these energies wisely.



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

We cannot emphasize enough the impact of our attitude on our life’s experience.  Life happens (both hard and heart-filled lessons) no exceptions.  Challenging lessons present themselves from time to time, and we can’t ignore them or persuade them to just disappear.  They are part of our life, and we must learn the lesson and deal with them accordingly. This is how we grow and mature.


We live in our own corner of the world within our family unit. This family unit may be blood related or a chosen family of friends.  We are influenced by what goes on around us and for some individuals, this influence can be overwhelming at times.  Then on top of what we are surrounded by, we have our own internal struggles. Some individuals cannot admit to these struggles or talk openly about them and others are quite open to sharing their emotional struggles. 


Reaction, instead of controlled response, is a destroyer of peace. Don’t be swept away by your mind’s chatter. Be the spectator to its babbling. Choose what to own and what to acknowledge and release.
Destroyer of Peace

Our minds race back and forth each day making judgements and analyzing all that we are experiencing.  It would be interesting to see how many contradictory thoughts we experience in a day, never mind a year or a lifetime. 


Our mind will tell us whatever is convenient and productive to its thinking in the moment. There is constant and continual mental dialog. For many of us, because our mind has control over us, for every action and thought there is also a reaction. This is why we should continually remind ourselves that we are not our thoughts. We are the spectators listening to them. As a result, we can choose which thoughts to act upon and which ones we can allow to pass us by without owning them or reacting to them.


We can be swept away by life events from time to time. We tire because we are human, and humans make mistakes. These mistakes, however, are valuable learning tools.  We cannot change things once they have happened (such as our reactions) but we can regain control once we recognize our reaction and move forward accordingly. The lesson is to keep going and each time an event happens, your reactions will be less and less until one day, you can stop the reaction before it takes place.  


Life is in your hands; it always has been. 


Reaction, instead of controlled response, is a destroyer of peace. Will you start taking responsibility? Don’t be swept away by your mind’s chatter. Be the spectator to its babbling. Choose what to own and what to acknowledge and release.



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X


Where does inspiration stem from? 


I believe inspiration is something that resides within us all and when sparked by outside sources or from within will open doors that many who are uninspired feel were closed to their perception or remain untapped due to belief structures.


You could say that this post is inspired by my inner self (just as available to each of us) and by outside sources that have had a hand in my writing. 

Start 2025 with a source of inspiration.  Be open and watch where it takes you.  Happy New Year!
Source of Inspiration

Inspiration is a part of everyday experiences, and it reveals itself through many different channels.  It reverberates through the thinking process and through the feeling senses and culminates on one level or another and echoes through communication. 


Remember we are all of one energy and because of this, we all share insights and intuitive feedback.


To activate this innate ability, you can begin to write and allow the words to flow with or without your mind’s input. We can receive information from outside sources simply by allowing and being open. This is active through open communication and interaction from places found deep within each and every one of us. 


Interlinking is common in the human psyche.  We share common elements and can relay messages on different platforms through intentional interchange and open dialogue.


Believe. Be open and acknowledge that you are not alone in your ventures.  On many levels, you share your story with others, including those that are not seen. 


Perhaps the inspiration behind this post and the way it is written is due to the fact that our daughter passed over some ten years on the day it was written. Perhaps the channels are more open today. Perhaps, I have allowed a more open channel permitting the interchange of ideas with her today. Nonetheless, this was inspired.


Start 2025 with a source of inspiration.  Be open and watch where it takes you.  Happy New Year!



If you have comments, questions or would like to commission a chart, please send us a message via or 


Visit for more information on Astrology and information on the Astrological charts we offer.


Holm Astrology also offers individual intuitive readings or group parties. For more information, visit us at  


Are you interested in learning Astrology? Our fall courses are now underway. Watch for announcements in late winter for registration for our spring courses. Visit for course details.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X

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