At the time this article was written (March 2025) transiting Neptune is in the sign of Pisces. It moves into Aries for the first time on March 31, 2025 and then returns to Pisces on October 23 before moving once again into Aries on January 27, 2026, where it will remain for some 15 years.
Those that have their Venus in the last degrees of Virgo or the first degrees of Libra will have this opposition influencing their charts. Neptune in Opposition is often referred to as a challenging aspect to deal with. The most important factor is that you must make sure that you are seeing things as they truly are. The mind can play games with you, or in this case, the heart can play games with you as quite often Venus and Neptune speak of a love interest.
Oppositions often suggest that other people are involved with this influence. Perhaps someone (possibly female) has their hand in what is unfolding. They could have you by the heart strings and cause some confusion about a relationship, if this is what this is about. The houses involved will clarify the area of life being affected in your chart.
You may feel infatuated by this person and put them on a pedestal. Once this aspect passes, you will have a much clearer picture of what this relationship entails and what the person is really like. This is not to say that you are not seeing this person clearly, only that there is often a tendency for that to happen. Other factors in the chart might prove otherwise. “Are you falling in love?”, or “Does this relationship seem too good to be true?” are questions you might want to ask yourself.
Since Venus can be about love and affection, the social scene and/or finances, these areas will or might also be part of the picture. You may find that under this influence you are invited to more social gatherings where you will meet up with other individuals that often have something that will entice you or be brought to your attention.
If finances are involved, once again, a deal you are presented with might seems too good to be true and this just might be true. Again, the whole chart will tell the story, and the natal potential will have to be reviewed.
With Neptune in opposition to natal Venus, others will likely be involved. Make sure you see things clearly before acting. You may want to consult a trusted friend for their opinion.
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