On February 28, 2025, we will be graced with a New Moon in the sign of Pisces at 9°. This New Moon makes a Trine to Mars which is at 6° Cancer and also makes a Square to Jupiter at 11° Gemini.
A New Moon takes place when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. The house that is being affected by this placement and the sign that it takes place in will be important to delineating its energies. These placements speak about how energy will reveal itself, determined by the sign, and in what area of life which is determined by the astrology chart’s house where the sun and moon are located.
For this placement to have an influence in your life, you will need to have planets or angles within 3° of this placement either by Conjunction, Opposition, Square, Trine and Sextile, with the first three aspects having the greatest impact. The tighter the orb the stronger its influence.
New Moon’s mark the beginning or the start of events or the push towards either an achievement or an area of life that matters to you at this point in your life. In approximately six months from now, when the Full Moon is in the same sign (Pisces in this case), the culmination of what began now during the New Moon will reach maturity if the necessary work has been carried out. Whatever effort we put into making things happen will be reflected in the fruits of our labor. Now is the time to plant seeds in the garden of life.
This Pisces New Moon will likely have something to do with emotions and sensitivity and may be tied somehow to the gifting of our time and efforts. It may be attached to intuition or an inner knowing and sometimes fear and anxiety can be a part of this due to our concern about how things will work out. There may be insight and an awareness that stems from within which may be tied to the spiritual or psychic realms or our creative nature.
If the Square from Jupiter has other indicators in the natal chart that might hinder the effects of this New Moon and the aspects to it then the foreseen outcome may be exaggerated. However, if there are few tight challenging aspects within the framework of the birth chart then Jupiter, being of greater benefit, can enhance things and work well in your efforts. (Squares or Oppositions from the outer planets to natal positions can suggest difficulties, while Trines and Sextiles can indicate easy flow and opportunities.)
The Trine from Mars pushes us into action and offers easy flow and potential gain from our efforts. Mars is always about energy, in some cases directed energy and in other cases an energy push from outside sources. The Trine aspect suggests that the actions taken during this phase will likely be optimistically received.
Plant emotional, compassionate and/or psychic/spiritual seeds in the garden of life during the Pisces New Moon 2025. Nurture the seeds until the Pisces Full Moon in six months from now.
In our next astrology post (February 26) we will take a deeper look into what effects this New Moon might have regarding the astrological house it is influencing in the chart. https://www.holmastrology.com/post/pisces-new-moon-2025
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