When we become ill, it is important beyond all else to have a positive attitude. We cannot fight back with a defeatist attitude. We must keep ourselves focused on healing and believe that it is possible. Care for the body. The mind too plays a large part in the healing process.Â
Of course, there are different degrees of health concerns and there are some which are much more difficult to cure. Your mind frame, however, plays a significant role in the journey and the outcome of any illness or disease, no matter what the prognoses.Â
For those individuals battling the odds, your attitude especially plays a significant role in how everything unfolds. It can be very easy to get caught up in how defeating a disease can be (and certainly the way you are physically and mentally feeling) and we then lose sight of the real meaning of life.Â
For those with minor illnesses, when you finally return to full health, pay heed to how well you now feel in comparison to only days preceding. Recognize what a true blessing being healthy is.Â
For those that have conquered a disease like Cancer, it’s a new lease on life. We should listen to the little voice within that challenges us to make changes to our habits (both physically and mentally), the way we live our lives and our belief structures.
In general, those that go through life with very little health concerns should consider themselves lucky as this is not the norm. Regardless of what you experience in life, life is a blessing. Do not forget how fortunate you are. Most importantly, recognize that your focus creates especially over time. Focus on how good things are and all the important lessons that we have been taught throughout our life’s experience.Â
When illness strikes, stay positive and focus on good health, both physically and mentally. Recognize that your focus creates. Let’s create a positive environment for our healthy selves.
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