The Sun will enter the sign of Aquarius on January 19, 2025. When the Sun moves from the Cardinal, Earth sign of Capricorn into the Fixed, Air sign of Aquarius the energies should help us all to be open to the new. Yes, it’s a New Year and some of us are ready for change. Sun in Aquarius Sun look for adventure through change.

Aquarians are unique with their self-expression and understand this as being part of who they are. Some are considered eccentric in their behavior and stand out because of this. Their appearance, on some level, will be different from most; perhaps it’s their style of clothing, their hair style, the way they speak, or it could be that intensive look about them. Aquarians are different, and they are quite aware of this, and it does not dissuade them from being themselves.
Some find Aquarius individuals “out there”, while others find them quite fascinating.
Many Aquarians are considered ahead of their time, and this might be why they are unique in their expression. Aquarius individuals are fixed in their opinions, although quite open to conversation and will listen to what other people’s beliefs may be. They can fit into most groups although they enjoy conversation that runs deep. Aquarians push for reflections and encourage questioning.
Aquarians are ruled by the planet Uranus, and because of this, they like to stir action, create change, awaken others to different possibilities and in general create awareness. Uranus’ energies are impulsive, abrupt and unconventional as are most typical Aquarius individuals. You can expect the unexpected from Uranus and this holds true to the typical Aquarian unless there are strong factors within the Astrological birth chart that suggest otherwise.
The eleventh house is naturally ruled by Aquarius and those with their Sun or other important placements in this house may have Aquarius tendencies. The eleventh house governs group interaction, and the typical Aquarius works well within groups, but these groups members must have similar interests. Often an Aquarian’s interests involve humanity and the concerns of the world at large. Aquarius wants to help and have an altruistic approach for those willing to listen to their advice.
Friendship is also ruled by the eleventh house and friendship is important but, in many cases, the average Aquarian is friends to many. Some Aquarians have a hard time carrying on what they consider a frivolous conversation. They seek deep connections and lasting friendships but are willing to walk away when they deem it necessary. Aquarius individuals are much more concerned with the thinking process than emotional interaction, and although emotion may not be a strong point for them, they do care about others but may not show it in traditional ways.
Humanity and their plight are high on the mind of an Aquarian. They want to help awaken those still asleep and genuinely wish the best for everyone. These individuals can also seem quite aloof or unresponsive as they are not concerned with which road others take. Even though they care deeply, they understand that everyone must walk their own road. Aquarian truly believe that they personally are on the road that leads to deeper understanding, and they know that a shift resulting from one individual can have a profound impact on the world’s direction. Any wave of influence can be far reaching as the ripple effect can continue its course through adversity as well as easy unrestrained engagement.
Happy solar return to our eccentric, independent, rebellious, progressive, humanitarian Sun in Aquarius followers!
Watch for our article on the transits affecting Sun in Aquarius for 2025 next week.
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Are you intrigued with oracle card readings? Why not book an appointment and receive a reading at a discounted rate with Holm Astrology at the upcoming 10th annual, 2-day, Body & Mind Psychic Fair, being held on Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 19, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, at Lions Gate Banquet Hall, 386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario. Admission to the fair is free. Book your appointment at
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