Sometimes we have to use our intuition to understand what a smiling face represents. Sometimes a smiling face is exactly what it appears - someone who is happy, happy to see you, showing they care and/or want to help. Other times, a smiling face masks sadness or even worse. Some can be conniving, scheming on how to pray on the innocent. They look for weaknesses, for those who are gullible or innocent, especially in children and the elderly.
As we write this articles, we are not intending on producing fear in our readers. We simple want to ensure awareness.
Most people we meet are kind and considerate and want to help on some level or enjoy friendship and social exchanges. There are many kind souls who genuinely wish to help and there are a few that don’t expect anything in return.
Our message is to do your due diligence. Do not take anything at face value. Confirm who is offering you anything particularly on-line, whether it be assistance, messages, information, etc.
Look around you. Look at the services that are offered to those in need generally manned by volunteers. We live in a close community and have many resources at our disposal. The general direction of our world is progressive although it may not look that way currently. It is only the few that cause uprisings, don’t give a damn and put money and themselves first. Too many of us have become distant, untrusting and even vengeful. Don’t get caught up in all that you read and hear.
Standing up for your values. Allow yourself to care. We need to survive and there is nothing wrong with being comfortable but our sole purpose is not to incur personal gain at any expense. We are living in a material world and learning the lessons that can only be taught under these conditions.
Love, compassion and caring rise above all else. We must remind ourselves of this regularly. Let our smiling face be a true reflection of our inner self.
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