Transiting Uranus, which is currently (November 2024) in the later degrees of the sign of Taurus and in its fall, is making an Opposition to those with their Natal Jupiter in the final degrees of Scorpio.Â
Transiting Uranus would also be making an Opposition to those with their Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn in the same late degrees of Scorpio. However, we are only talking about the Transit of Uranus to our Natal Jupiter in this post. For further in-depth information regarding these other connections, you can look them up online or have a reputable Astrologer have a look at your chart, if the oppositions are present.
Transiting Uranus brings with it the need for change. It encourages us to make a move and often gives us a little kick to push us ahead. Its change can be unexpected, erratic, especially as seen by others, and sometimes challenging depending on whether we wish to hold on to something that has become unnecessary or something that no longer suits our evolutionary growth.
As mentioned, Uranus often gives us a little kick but if we choose to ignore what now needs to be done, Uranus’ action can become much more destructive or bring hard lessons our way. This is particularly true if Pluto or Saturn are involved in the equation as well.
You can expect the unexpected when it comes to the change that is often accompanied by Transiting Uranus, and when Jupiter is involved, the changes although often brought on by others, (the Opposition aspect) these changes are not only a requirement for growth, but also quite often very favorable as you begin merging with the changes set in place. If Natal Jupiter is challenged in your natal chart, these changes might not be as easy, but they often offer expansion, good luck and growth on many different levels depending on the houses involved. Houses are the areas of life that will be enhanced during Uranus’ visit.
An example of this, which would likely bring many influential changes, is when the Transit of Uranus contacts an angle. Uranus on the MC will bring us sudden and unexpected changes within the working environment and affect the home environment and family because not only will it aspect the MC, but Natal Jupiter will be in conjunction the IC.Â
The Conjunction to the IC will have the most profound effects, but the IC/Jupiter will also play a significant role in what takes hold. For example, changes may be in effect within your career which will cause major changes within the home front. Perhaps you are relocated to another city because of your job and now you may need to move. Perhaps you receive a raise and now you decide to do some work on your house or move to a larger home.
Just one example of how this can materialize.
With Uranus Opposition Natal Jupiter expect the unexpected. The change may be brought on by someone else but the outcome will likely be beneficial when the dust clears.
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