Do you like to work behind the scenes and remain anonymous?
Are you low key for a reason or are you just uncomfortable with publicity or acknowledgement?
Do you give credit for your work to someone else because you are uncomfortable with recognition or flattery?

Some of us prefer solitude and not seeking the limelight. These are likely the quiet individuals who prefer to sit back and let others do the talking.
Some prefer to observe and listen, taking in all that goes on around them. But some people have other reasons for sitting back in silence. Do you feel as though your input is not important or that you have nothing to offer?
If you are the latter type, you will want to question where this comes from.
There is nothing wrong with privacy and solitude, although on many levels, life is for sharing, even if it is only with a select few. We certainly do not need to be in the public eye or speaking out of turn just simply because we want to be heard. Each of us does, however, have something valuable to offer and should not hold ourselves back.
Your insight might be the information needed by someone you can share it with, someone who has been lost or confused currently. Do not hold yourself back because you feel insignificant or unworthy. You do have something to offer. Your input is important and may hold much more than you know. Put to rest your worry and feelings of inadequacy and share your knowledge. Be a part of and a contributor to the world around you. You might just hold the knowledge that is needed.
Don’t let fear eliminate your importance. Be an undercover agent when appropriate but be the voice of knowledge when fitting.
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