The New Moon on January 29, 2025, which is 9° Aquarius, marks the beginning of a Lunar Cycle. Each New Moon occurs 29 ½ days apart and marks a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, change, and planting new seeds in the garden of life. Sometimes we may not be too sure about where we are heading and so we set goals and turn inward for some answers. All New Moons and Full Moons evolve much around emotional interaction although the sign that they are in and the aspects they receive from other transiting planets at the current time also have an influence.
When the Moon is in Aquarius, the emotions may be more subdued than say if the New Moon were in Cancer or Pisces. As a result, this time may not be overly emotional in nature. This does not mean that we are cold emotionally under this influence, only that we react more from an intellectual level than an emotional one.
There is concern for humanity’s journey and the ways of the world. On some level, we may interact, even if only from within, with the thought processing. We may reflect more on our fellow human beings and truly want to help, and so we may try to assist those in need.
On a personal level, this is often a time of change and setting goals for the future. There is a great deal of contemplation taking hold in our lives under this influence. The mood is generally hopeful especially since transiting Jupiter at 11° in the sign of Gemini is making a trine to this positioning of the New Moon. This can lead to a furthering of our ideas and making plans that should tie into the Full Moon six months from now also in the sign of Aquarius.
We can clarify our goals during the energies of this New Moon (which is often during the first month of the new moon) and we may turn inwards for the answers or guidance that we seek. This can be quite private as we pause and reflect on where we might like to utilize this energy.
The houses that are involved (New Moon’s position in the natal chart) and aspects with transiting Jupiter and any links we have within a three-degree orb of influence within our natal chart will help define the areas of life involved in the process. An experienced astrologer can aid in uncovering what this might mean for you personally.
Much of the influence during this timeframe (the end of January 2025) has connections with Venus, Neptune and the North Node all of which are in the sign of Pisces rendering in emotion and sensitivity as well as, in some cases, psychic intervention. Saturn is also in Pisces (although not connected to the previous planets and North Node) and does initiate stability in the process.
We also have transiting Mercury and Pluto making a tight conjunction in the very early stages of Aquarius suggesting transformational interaction creating change connected to human consciousness and its evolution. Pisces’ and Aquarius’ energies are linked to human consciousness. Hopefully we see a much-needed change for mankind as we move into the realm of Pluto in Aquarius, Neptune in Aries and down the road Uranus in Gemini. These are all powerful energies linked towards change and evolution.
With this Aquarius New Moon 2025, there is concern for humanity’s journey. We may reflect more on our fellow human beings & truly want to help, and so we work to assist those in our immediate environment because we can.
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