
As we move from the fiery sign of Aries into the earth sign of Taurus, we have pushed ourselves out there in the world and are now ready to move into a more secure life situation. Aries instigates aggressive pursuit to make something out of ourselves and Taurus now wants to instil a more sure-footed response.
Taurus is all about building a foundation that can stand the test of time. This is often acquired through material means and security is often measured by the rewards offered from a bank account that is slowly but steadily rising. Taurus is security minded and uses determination and discipline to reach their objectives in life. They do not rush out there and stake their claim as Aries individuals would do. Taurus people choose a more solid structure that guarantees success. They are determined and not afraid of hard work. They understand that if this is what it takes to achieve success, then that is the route to take.
They are not very spontaneous and like the tried and tested route. They quietly build on this structured ground and move forward in their quest for security. They rarely sway off the chosen path and can be counted on in any situation. In times of strife, they are usually cool-headed and ward off anything that could jeopardize their sense of security through perseverance and staying steadfast. They are very calm individuals although once they become angry, they are quite explosive and have a difficult time settling down.
Taurus individuals are very fixed in their ways and also quite opinionated. Some are considered inflexible and stubborn to a fault as they have a difficult time adapting to anything new. They will stubbornly adhere to their ways of doing things. They may not be spontaneous in their decisions, but they will remain true to their word once it is given. This makes them quite reliable and responsible individuals.
In loving relationships, they are faithful to their loved ones and will work hard at maintaining a meaningful relationship. They are romantics and also very sensual people. Taurus individuals will lavishly look after those they love with luxury and surround them with beauty. They are very earthy and not inclined to wanderlust activities. They prefer to remain at home as travel is not something that means a whole lot to them. They will, however, travel to keep their loved ones happy. They like structure in their life and anything new that has potential of unsettling their comfortable life can produce anxiety and worry. They like things to be predictable and steady.
To uncover more meaning in life, Taurus individuals will school themselves through practical learning and formulated ideas. If this suggests long tedious tasks that require concentrated energy and an ability to keep moving in an intended direction, they can be counted on to reach this destination. Patience is a key character trait that they can rely on throughout their lives. Their motto could be “good things are worth waiting for”.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and the second house.

Sapphire is the stone of Taurus.

The alternative stone is Emerald.
Other stones associated with Taurus include Amblygonite, Blue Tourmaline, Carnelian, Emerald, Kunzite, Kyanite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Selenite, and Variscite.