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are being held on  

April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3 and 10, 2025

If you are interested or have questions, please contact us

Anyone who has enrolled in and has paid in full for the Holm

Astrology's course, if they refer a friend, they will receive a reimbursement of a further $25.00 upon their friend paying for the same Beginner's course in full.


All classes will begin promptly at 7 pm. Please arrive early enough to be settled and ready to go for that time. All classes will have a duration of 2 hours teaching time and one-half hour of discussion period at the end, finishing off by 9:30. We aim to address all questions. The questions that do not get answered in class can be addressed through either email or a Facebook page which will be created for this purpose.


All classes will be held just north of Barrie, Ontario off the 400 highway and the address will be provided after you are registered due to privacy reasons as this is a private home.


The course will consist of nine lessons. The cost will be $25 per class due upon arrival. This amount includes all information and handouts which will provided via email. Alternatively, you can register ahead of time through PayPal or etransfer.

If you prefer, the course can be purchased in full as a one-time payment at a discounted rate of $200.00 from $225.00. Payments can be made on our webstore via PayPal (a PayPal account is not necessary) or via email ( by etransfer. Alternatively, full payment can be made at the beginning of the first class by Debit (tap only), Visa, MasterCard, American Express or cash.

For all students taking the course, Holm Astrology will also offer an discounted rate of $85.00 (from $100.00) for any student wishing to have an oral Astrology charts prepared after the course has been completed. This will provide the ultimate study tool to assist you with your personal studies after completing the course.

Being Prepared

Please bring a note book and pen to take notes. Notes will be provided after class via email. If we have inclement weather (which we are hoping will not happen after our commencement date) everyone will be notified before class. Please do not drive if the weather is bad.

In a Nutshell

The Astrology course will be held over nine classes, with a short exam at the end of the course which will be an excellent tool for you to evaluate your understanding of the materials. Those that complete the course should have a basic understanding of Astrology and should be able to decipher an Astrology chart including an understanding of the planets, the houses and angles in a birth chart.


What is Astrology?

This segment will be a definition of the study of Astrology. It will discuss the influence of modern astrology on the masses as well as some of the history behind older forms of astrology. Is Astrology a superstition? Does it have any validity? What is the purpose for using astrology and what are its effects.

We will touch on the influence of the Moon and how it affects the tides as well as the emotions of people. We will touch on the differences between Mundane astrology, Natal astrology and Horary astrology. Our focus in the Holm Astrology Level One Course will be Natal astrology (the study of personal horoscopes).

What is a horoscope?

In this segment we will define how a horoscope is calculated. We will also touch briefly on the different types of astrology charts (solar charts, natal charts, progressed chart and composite charts); We will follow up with questions.

The wheel and how it is formulated (house systems)

In this section we will discuss the circular chart. How it is formulated (Ascendant positioning and Midheaven positioning)? We will touch on houses and what they mean (each house will be discussed in depth in class four). We will also touch on different house systems and finding one that suits you. We will also discuss how the midheaven and ascendant will be found in each house system. Questions.

The planets and signs and their symbols

We will be discussing the Planets and their symbols (the planets will be discussed in detail in class three). It is important to be able to identify the planets by their symbols as this is a quick reference which is used by most Astrology sites. Questions.


The Signs and Rulers (including dual rulership)

In this segment we will discuss each sign and its characteristics in detail. We will also discuss the planets that ruler each sign as well as dual rulership, as some of the signs are co-ruled by another planet. At the end of this segment we will answer any questions regarding signs and rulers.

Elements and qualities

In this segment, we will speak about the elements (fire, earth, air and water) and the signs that are ruled by each element. We then will discuss the qualities (cardinal, fixed and mutable) which signs they rule and which houses are ruled by these qualities. At the end of this segment we will answer any questions.


The Planets

In our third class, we will be discussing the planets in detail and how they affect the horoscope. Each planet has a specific energy and depending on which houses they are found in (houses will be discussed in class five) and sign position, they can affect our lives in very profound ways. We will also highlight the planets by their signs. This will be follows by a short question period.


Working with Sign and Planet

In our fourth class we will put into practice the planetary energies within the signs. Each planet encompasses a specific energy and depending on the sign it is in will define how these energies are released. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are generational planets and they work in similar ways for all those born within that sign. However the house positions of these planets (discussed in detail in class five) speak in terms of the areas of life which are affected not only by the energy of the planet but also the sign each planet is in. This is what makes each chart different even for those that are born in the same sign position of these planets.

There are twelve signs (discussed in class two) and there are eleven planets (discussed in class three) to define each one would take far too long. We will discuss a few to give you an idea of how this works.

You will also note when deciphering the charts (that we will be passing around in class) that there is also the Moon’s nodes (North and South Nodes), Chiron, the Part of Fortune and the Vertex. These particulars do not fit into the realms of our level one course, but will be defined in our future classes, when available. Astrology is a vast subject and to go through its entirety takes several years of study and is actually never ending. For those that have a keen interest in the actual art of predictive astrology it will be covered in Level II. Before anyone is ready to move deeper into astrology we have to understand the basics and how to put them to work in the natal chart.


The Houses

In our fifth class, we will look in depth at the meanings associated with each of the 12 houses. Houses are very significant and speak in terms of areas of life involvement. Planets, houses and aspects (class 7) are the key ingredients that translate the natal chart.

Dual Signs Houses

We will touch on dual signs within houses as a house can have two signs within its borders.

House division by element

Each house has an element that it is ruled by. We will touch on this.

House division by quality

Each house has a division by quality and we will discuss this section as well. Questions to follow


Working with Signs, Planets and Houses

In class five we discussed each house in detail which again related to areas of life. They are also defined by element (earth, air, fire and water) and also quality (cardinal, fixed and mutable). During this class we will now put our houses together with our planetary placements and the signs they are located in. When we understand the Planets, their signs and also the houses that they are in, we can get a clear understanding of how they work within the natal chart. There is one more area that we will discuss in class seven which deals with aspects. This brings together the working measurements along with the planetary sign and house positions, helping us to understand the energy between two planets and angles of the chart.

This may all sound rather complex, but as you learn to work with the tools of astrology it becomes second nature and the definitions become clear. It does take time to put it all together, but it becomes increasingly amazing to see how a simple chart defines personal characteristics and the life plan in detail. Astrology is an amazing means to discover how the universe works within each of us and how the detailed individual parts all comes to life as we decipher each distinctive chart.


Table of aspects

There are two types of aspects, major aspects and minor aspects. We will discuss what these aspects are. We will be discussing the angles between planets by degree, (this defines aspects) and the orbs of influence and how that intensifies planetary links or mitigates their influence.

Understanding the general meanings of aspects

We will also discuss the meanings of all the aspects not from planet to planet, as this would be impossible to cover. We will define what each aspect means. This will be followed by a question period.


Delineating a chart

There are multiple aspects and planetary links within a chart. We will be defining the most significant means to take when deciphering a chart. We will talk about the most compelling aspects and chart definitions that should first be allocated and defined. After this segment we will have a discussion answering any questions that need to be addressed.


You will be provided with an exam to take home. The exam will be a chart of an unnamed person which you will have to delineate base on what you have learned over the course.


Exam Review

The exam chart will be reviewed in class in its entirety as a group discussion.

The exams will be collected after the class so that I can do a comprehensive review and provide comments for your added understanding.

You will be provided with your reviewed exam and your certificate, if you have completed the course.

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